Hello Stefan,

Yesterday, you and I wrote:

>> "No view mode" means using some column settings anyway. Which one
>> should be used?  Is it account-wide, folder-specific or parent
>> folder's?
> Right, now I get you. Hmmmm, I'll have to think about it and talk with
> my pillow tonight, if I ever get to bed ;-)

I had a not too long talk with my pillow last night (I fell asleep) and
she gave me a couple of suggestions for you ;-)

What do you do when a view mode is deleted? Right, the folders that were
using it are set to (No View Mode). However, since the Generic Mode can
be set/defined by the user and it is a mode that cannot be deleted, I
would uses this as a "default" to revert to.

Now, what would I do (well, my pillow ;) with the "Use by..." dialog?

1.- Display on the Title bar the name of the View Mode that was selected
prior to clicking the Use by... button. One can make mistakes when
selecting the view mode :)

2.- Make this a Use/Used by (or however you want to call it) dialog. The
thing is that if it is opened for a view mode that is already being used
by some folders, they should appear as ticked with the check mark in the
display of the folder tree and the rest of folders with a blank box.

3.- If you remove the checkmark from one or more of the folders, they
should revert (be set to) Generic mode.

4.- But, what happens if you add a few folders (tick the empty box) to
use this view mode and then change your mind, or notice you have ticked
one you didn't really want to? You remove the check mark, right. But
should this folder now revert to the view mode it was using or to
Generic. I believe it should stay with the previous mode, whatever it

5.- But if I have added a few check marks and after scrolling up and
down I remove a couple of them, how do I know what view mode will be
applied to these two folders? Previous (if it was different to the one
we are dealing with when I opened the Used by dialog) or Generic?

Simple, use three possible states: Blank, Check mark and X.

If I open the dialog for view mode A and Folder1 is checked, then that
folder can only toggle from Checked to Xed and from Xed to Checked. But,
if Folder2 is Blank, this can only toggle from Blank to Checked and from
Checked to Blank.

Then, when I click OK, the actions will be:

Box is Blank - Do nothing to the folder and it will use the view mode it was

Box is Checked - Set folder to use View mode A (the one we are dealing with)

Box is Xed - Set folder to use Generic mode.

I don't how and where you hold your folder tree structure, or if you build one
when the Used by... dialog is opened, but the above can be easily
implemented with a four column "table":
  View Mode
  Original state

Original state is what is displayed when the dialog is opened and can
only be Blank or Checked and is also used to see if toggling can
(should) be Blank/Checked or Checked/Xed.

Changes will reflect that changes, and is the column used to take the
actions when clicking OK:

If Changes is Blank, do nothing and check next folder.
If Changes if Checked, set folder to use view mode A.
If Changes is Xed, set folder to use Generic view mode.

And finally, to easily remind the user what is going to happen if he
clicks OK, the three possible states (ICONS for) should be displayed on
the dialog itself, with a short explanatory text, perhaps right below
the "Unselect all" button.

Hope I have been able to explain what my pillow told me last night ;-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
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