Dear Edgar,

@28-Feb-2004, 11:47 +0100 (28-Feb 10:47 UK time) Edgar van Dijk
[EVD] in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

C>>> have all text quoted like with %TEXT, but on the other have it
C>>> all a different colour like in %QUOTES?

M>> Yes. Use %QUOTES="%TEXT"

EVD> Will this not enter the > in front of it?


EVD> I think Chris does not want that.

Not so. What Chris didn't want was the signatures cut off as happens
with %QUOTES on its own. He was using %TEXT to work around that.

EVD> Could you not use Quotes and adjust the quoting style with a
EVD> macro QUOTESTYLE (I do not know which expression will be the
EVD> right one)

That won't help. It just determines what goes in front of the '>'
character. There are complex macros that can be used to replace the
prefix with something else entirely but that gets very messy when
cascading replies.

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
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