Hi Thomas,

> This does all I want it too, except for the adding of multiple '>'
> characters on replies. I'm not sure if the '>' characters in the
> template above have anything to do with this or not

> Yes, it does. You are telling TB to add the character.

I've removed the '>' from the template, & will try it out to see how it goes.

> - if The Bat! automatically adds these onto replies anyway, but I
> also have them listed in the template, does this mean that it will
> add '>' onto '>'?

> Yes.

Makes sense :-)

> I see that Outlook at work does not add multiple '>' - it only
> ever adds the one.

> I think it is a major shortcoming of Outlook, and I find myself
> adding the missing characters in replies. No, excuse me, I think
> this shortcoming occurs with the AOL mail software, not Outlook.

I personally hate multiple '>' with a passion - I think it looks so untidy & makes 
reading the email harder (due to multiple '>' indenting the older text to the right - 
I much prefer all text to be straight down the left hand margin of the page so you 
don't have to go searching to see where each sentence starts). With one '>' character, 
you know it will start on the very left hand side...if there are multiple '>', I know 
from experience that sometimes sentences can start off the right hand side of the page 
because there are so many '>' before them - this is just ridiculous in my opinion.

> I suspect this may be a setting within the program itself - it's a
> pity The Bat! has no similar option.

> Why would you want to ignore (falsify?) quoting levels?

See above. I wasn't even aware that there was a 'quoting level' - that's how much I 
ignore anything over one '>'. For mine, there is either quoted text, or current text - 
I don't care how many times the quoted has been replied to.

> I have noticed (by looking at the Preferences in The Bat!), that
> the colour of the text that has multiple '>' before it is called
> 'Quotation (Even)' & the text with only one '>' before it is called
> 'Quotation (Odd)'. Can anyone explain the difference between this
> 'odd' & 'even'?

> Odd numbers are 1,3,5,.. and even numbers are 2,4,6,.. The colours
> alternate rather than displaying the same colour for all quoting
> levels. I was very happy when this was introduced, but if you don't
> like it, you get change both "odd" and "even" to the same colour.

This is something I don't have a particular preference for - I may just change it to 
the same colour to see how it goes. Just for simplicity - 2 colours in an email: the 
replied text, & the current text.

> I just want to add the main reason why I want this Outlook like
> template - most of the emails I send are to tech support. When doing
> this, it is vital to have all the history of the email included in
> replies.

> Yes, but this is what top-posting is for, and IMHO has nothing to do
> with ignoring quoting levels.

I find the Outlook like template very easy to understand, with all the information 
laid out in a nice, neat, logical way. The default The Bat! template for me makes a 
dog's breakfast of this task. For personal emails, where the history of the email, 
addressee's etc aren't so important, the difference is much less, but still slightly 
in Outlook's favour for mine.

> Also, what I particularly hated about the default The Bat! reply
> templates was that nowhere in the text of the message itself does it
> list the email address a reply was sent to.

> You mention the default templates, and I think the default is right.
> Usually a communication in tech support is back and forth between
> the same two addresses. However, I believe you are aware that you
> can include an %OFrom macro into your reply template at a convenient

Ah, I wasn't aware of this. I've never been very good on any form of macro, so it's 
not a surprise I didn't know about it. Even the template language in The Bat! I 
struggle with (which is why I had to ask on this forum - I couldn't understand the 
help file topics on it). Still, the problem I found was that even when an email was 
only between 2 email addresses, than later on, if you went back & read through the 
text of the email, nowhere was the exact [EMAIL PROTECTED] email address listed...so 
if you didn't make a note of what that address was, you can't resend an email to it. 
Particularly annoying for outfits that only allow you to contact their support via a 
web form...once you get the email address for one of these places, you treat it like 
gold! ;-)


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