Hello Chris,

On Tue, 2 Mar 2004 21:56:41 +1100 GMT (02/03/2004, 17:56 +0700 GMT),
Chris wrote:

> Yep, I guess in the end it all comes down to personal taste. What
> works for one, doesn't for another. What matters is that The Bat! is
> an email program with enough flexibility in it so that people can
> set it up the way they like it - they aren't forced into using the
> programmer's preferences.

Sure. TB allows for both inline quoting and top posting or whatever
you like. I have seen bottom-posting...

What you wish to do is possible with TB. My point is that I personally
wouldn't prefer it, but you can do it if you want.

> As for inline quoting, this list is the only place I will
> consider it - & only then because I will be flamed into a crisp
> should I not do it.

I  haven't seen a flame war on this list for ages.

> For mine (again just personal taste), top posting is the way to go
> (flame proof suit on for that sentence!).

No suit necessary. Top posting has its place, I use it in the office.
Not on mailing lists, though.

> As for my messages not threading, I wouldn't be surprised. I have
> turned off the option for the tbudl list to send me emails.

I see.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

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