On Monday, April 26, 2004, M i c C u l l e n wrote...

> Threading - is it possible to get the program to only expand threads
> with unread messages in them?

Don't think so.

> Is it possible to only show genuinely unread messages as unread,
> rather than all the way from an unread message all the way back to
> the thread root?

It is showing only the ones unread that are unread, look at the
envelope icon. It just bolds the font of all the parents so you can
see at a glance, which threads still have unread messages.

> In Agent, one-click browsing allows the use of the spacebar to move
> to the next unread message - can this be done in The Bat!?

Yep... if you hit ALT-F12, it'll show you a whole bunch of shortcut
keys (customizable). If you use the ticker, and enable the virtual
folder view (View - Message List) when you open a message, if you
select any message in there, and use the space bar, it'll move to the
next message.

Jonathan Angliss
Using The Bat! v2.10.01 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

We're lost, yes.....but we're making good time.

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