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Hello Mary,

On 09 June 2004, 22:30 Martin Webster [MW] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

MW> I given a little more thought and wonder if you've set the 'Use external
MW> viewer...' option in Preferences | General.

MW> Also, the registry key is relevant _but_ the inclusion of image types
MW> doesn't prevent TB! from opening the file with its internal viewer
MW> _only_ an external viewer, which leads me to suggest you have opted for
MW> an external viewer. If this is the case it could be a file association
MW> problem after all.

Okay, I've chosen external image viewer and removed a file association
in Windows to see what happens. When I double click on an icon, TB! lets
Windows decide how to open the file. However, because there is no
association TB! pops up a windows asking what application I should
open the file (image) with. Clearly, this isn't quite what you
experience but it is similar behaviour. I wonder what would happen if
there is an association but it's broken and fails to launch the

Check what application is associated with .JPG by opening a Windows file
manager window and using Tools | Folder Options... | File Types.

Select JPG (or JPEG) and see what application opens the file (Change
button). There's is likely to be a couple of applications... try
changing it to Window Picture and Fax Viewer if that's not set.

- --
As ever,
Martin Webster
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