Hello Maxim!

On Thursday, June 10, 2004, 2:16 PM, you wrote:

MB>> ... changing to the external viewer does not change the behavior of
MB>> the non-responding icons. They just sit there and do nothing when
MB>> double-clicked or requested to open. .
MR> ..
MR> <heh, brainstorm mode on ;)>

MR> I know a similar TB! behavior pattern - TB! before starting any viewer
MR> (even internal one) saves attachment in a folder %TEMP%\bat\, and the
MR> problem is that TB! doesn't try chaging folder name, nor showing any error
MR> message if this folder (or a file in this folder) cannot be created for
MR> some reason. So just as in your case - it does nothing on dbl-click.

So now I need to find the path to that folder.

MR> But I did that experement intentionally, so I don't know how the %TEMP%
MR> folder could be suddenly trashed the same way.

Perhaps something in a downloaded attachment created in a different
operating system from Windows, namely, Apple Macintosh. That is the
one thing that stays constant--in everything I've tried.

Ah! Bright idea. <hehe> I shall delete those 6 attachments that came
from the Macintosh machine.

MR> PS: Mostly for developers - probably same effect was also reported @ nobat:
MR> http://www.forum.nobat.ru/index.php?board=3;action=display;threadid=2346
MR> ~translated: Topic: cannot start attached files (v1.62r)

I thank you very much. I'll report back what I find. 1) Whether I can
find the path to the %TEMP%\bat\ folder. And 2) whether a simple deletion
of the attachments in the 6 messages from the Macintosh machine
repairs the break in the other attachments.

Best regards,

The Bat! 2.11.02 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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