Dear Alan,

@7-Jul-2004, 11:41 +1000 (07-Jul 02:41 UK time) Alan Thacker said:

> Also, :bearhug: ends up with four arms, not two!


> When the GIFs are viewed with the Windows viewer they are fine.


> Any ideas? Maybe I just need to wait for a later Bat version?

There are a few like that. The fault is that the final layer of
animation persists and is not cleared before the first layer of the
loop is re-displayed. This is what's going wrong, but I'm not sure
why. It may be a fault in the component used to display animated
GIFs. I could repost this in TBBETA but this also applies to the
released version and I know that 9val reads here too ;-) .

Cheers -- 
List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v2.12 Beta/7 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

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