On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, at 00:42:44 [GMT +0100] (which was 4:42 PM where I
live) you wrote:
>> However, total IMAP functionality
>> isn't quite there yet...

> Aahh - now here's the rub...

> I need to know, before I jump - what functionality is NOT there. My
> problem is, not knowing what functionality is possible - I don't know
> what's missing.

> Will filter actions, auto-replies, auto-message using templates,
> address list manipulation etc etc work?

TB has awesome functionality. I've been using it in a production
environment for about 6 weeks and I'm still figuring out all the
functions. Almost anything is possible if one doesn't mind digging
through the list archives and seeing what other people have done. The
existing documentation leaves a lot to be desired.

I'll address the IMAP functionality and leave it to others to expand
on a lot of the other things. Needless to say, the template and filter
functionality, IMO, is its strong point.

The key issues with regards to IMAP are:

1. Draft messages are put in the local "outbox" folder rather than the industry
standard IMAP "draft" folder. For those that are used to using IMAP,
we have found this to be a significant usability issue.

2. Synchronization of the IMAP folders is much slower than Outlook or
Eudora. I am confident that this will be addressed in the near future.

3. There are some bugs in the latest public beta that requires some
patience but again, these will be fixed.

4. Not IMAP but if you are expecting Outlook address book
capabilities, the TB address book isn't quite there yet but it is
getting close. Again, you can look at other peoples experience with
the address book.

Most of the feature list works as advertised. I think you will be
extremely happy with TB if you have some patience and willing to put
in the time to learn.

Hope this helps.
Best Regards,

Using The Bat! v2.12 Beta/1 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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