Hi 9Val

On Thu, 8 Jul 2004, at 23:01:23 [GMT +0300] (which was 1:01 PM where I
live) you wrote:

> Well, at home I'm working with IMAP at 21.6Kbit dial-up. So speed is a
> really  *big*  issue  for  me.  And  I  prefer  to use TB! without any
> synchronization  - I just walk through folders and TB! loads only UIDS
> and  Flags  (downloading  headers  for  last 1000 mails from TBBETA is
> quite  slowly  on  clients  which load full headers) . After selecting
> folder  I'm walking through unread messages and only they are loaded -
> no  overhead.  So...

> May  be Thunderbird is faster on wide connections, don't know and have
> no possibility to test

Yea, I'm sure that with little overhead TB is very quick indeed. I am
only trying to compare Outlook and TB with like settings. TB is
markedly slower (that is not a complaint...only an observation)

Best Regards,

Using The Bat! v2.12 Beta/7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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