Thursday, September 30, 2004, 7:58:19 AM, you wrote:

MDP> That is generally poor practice IMHO, although I can
MDP> see cases for it happening. I personally choose one
MDP> name as the primary recipient with others as CC's -
MDP> even if it's only yourself being chosen.

But the selected template in that case would be the one
attached to the primary mail ..?

I use CC and also BCC, and don't often send out 'mass'
mails, but for some things I do .. and sometimes the
templates wouldn't match ..

I have had some problems with folder templates that I'd
like to fix, (inspite of some really aggressive searching,
TB is still calling some non-existent old files,
references to which I can't find in any of the config
files) but I'm not sure I'd want to comb the AB (which is
fairly big), and build templates for a material percentage
of it ...

It *might* be worth it, if the AB templates override the
template settings in the folder configs .. do they?

tnx ..


[EMAIL PROTECTED]    * * *    Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed    * * *      Team OS/2


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