Dear Aceman,

@5-Oct-2004, 02:18 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [A] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

... <snip>

A> When you say "I have done" do you mean you were able to generate
A> your own certificate using TB! feature without the errors I
A> experienced?

I have done. Just did another.

RO>>> I've actually received once a message with TB 3.0 pro that was
RO>>> signed with a digital certificate, so I guess it's possible.

>> This message should be so signed with my Thawte certificate.

A> That it was sir  :)

... and this one with a brand new, freshly generated, self signed one.

Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v3.0.1 RC3 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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