Dear Folks,

I would like to congratulate the authors of The Bat! for providing
such a nice useable program.

A few of you may be aware that I owned a company called Atlantic
Coast PLC and for many years we published an email/news client called
Virtual Access.   We made VA Open Source a few years ago but
unfortunately development has been so slow that now the time has come
to move on as VA still has very poor html handling and nowadays html is used
a lot.

One of the nice things about VA was the message threading and there is
one feature I do not see in The Bat! by default but I wonder if it is
possible to simulate with a bit of tweaking.

At present all the outgoing emails go to the Sent Mail folder.  Does
anyone know a way to have those emails remain in the Inbox but also to
retain threading so that one can look at a received message and easily
work one's way back up the thread including any replies sent.  In
other words the whole discussion all in one grouping.

I am actually also surprised that the default setting for threads is
"none" rather than by subject or references.

Best wishes,

Steve Lee
Tel +44 7768 211612

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