Hello Perry,
  A reminder of what Perry Nelson typed on:
  Friday, January 13, 2006 at 17:43:54 GMT -0500

PN> Hi Dwight,

PN> Friday, January 13, 2006, 5:36:45 PM, you wrote:

DAC>> Refiltering the folder would BE the test for every filter I have
DAC>> ever recreated. Need to know if it will filter the particular
DAC>> message designed for, and need to know if something was overlooked
DAC>> which would catch more messages than anticipated.

PN>   Thanks for your response, Dwight. And yes, that is the test I've used
PN>   in the past.

PN>   However, what I am trying to avoid is having to go through the target
PN>   location and having to search for and pick out the messages that may
PN>   have been caught that I didn't intend. Is there not a way to simply
PN>   run the filter and have it produce a log of what would have been
PN>   filtered if it had been run for real?

You can Right click on  a message and select "Test Filters". I'm not
sure whether it processes the message or just tells you if it would
process them.

Best regards,
 Stuart                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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