Guten Morgen,

rg> 2. In that case - could 2 LAN PCs, each with it's own set of user specific
rg> mail folders, also access a shared network folder hierarchy?

You mean "common folders" and such? As far as I can reason this should
not work, because these folders reside in the same directory as inbox,
outbox and so on. Therefore a client machine would see either none of
the folders or all of them.

It is different if the folders are located in another account. I used
to use this setup for a while: All "archive" mails were sorted into
folders in a non-active mail account (no servers were defined).
Consequently, this "private account" had its own directory and I could
either configure it in a client machine or not, while still keeping
the "active account" (the one I really got my mail from) in all of them.

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