On Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 1:24:55 AM, Robin Anson wrote:
> Works on Vista for me - exactly the same syntax as I had running until
> recently on XP.
 following is my reply template
> On %ODateEn, %OTimeLongEn, %OFROMNAME wrote:
>  %SETHEADER("X-Rogue",":dcorrin:")%-
> %Cursor 

I'm  banking  on  the fact that you won't find the header if you read 
this message. 
 Dwight A. Corrin 
 316.303.9385  phone ahead to fax 
 dcorrin at fastmail.fm 
 photo galleries at http://dcorrin.smugmug.com 
 photo blog at http://dcorrin.aminus3.com 
 Using IMAP with The Bat! 4.2.6 on Windows Vista version 6,0 (Service Pack 1)

Current version is 4.2.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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