Le 26/09/2019 à 21:21, Mouse a écrit :
So why the hell are you throwing in statements like
immense trouble for little actual use.
Because this is true!  Do you understand, or not?  Pfff.

It's not me you were responding to here.  But you appear to be falling
into a relatively common trap: operating from the assumption that you
are entirely correct and that your underlying assumptions are
universally true, and that therefore anyone who disagrees with you must
not understand what you are saying.

Actually, you are right. This is the N-th time that this problem comes up. For
the N-th time, I see people slipping away, trying to find moronic justifi-
cations like "maybe the users don't know they use compat_linux".

Of course I get upset, I've heard this crap N-1 times before. And the bigger
the N gets, the more I am confident that I'm right, yes. And the less I'm
tempted to discuss, also.

I am absolutely upset at this moronic topic that has to come up again, and
again, and again, because people can't process one minute that there is a
*RISK* in these compat features. It's been literally years of this total
nonsense. And I've heard all of the most idiotic reasons: from the "uh no
you are just paranoid", to the "but you have no proof it is buggy", then to
the "oh no but every software has bugs", down to now "maybe the users don't
know they use compat_linux".

You know who's the dumbass who is cleaning all this shit up each time? Well,
it's me. I am the one trying to fix the bugs, processing pullups, writing
security advisories, and even handling the bad press. And I did that again
two weeks ago when I set up a fuzzing VM to find bugs in compat_linux which
has resulted in all the fixes that now need even more effort to be pulled
up, documented, etc, because this buggy crap is enabled by default.

People are here creating a f*cking mess, and I'm here systematically doing
the damage control. The slighest proposal is met with the biggest nonsense.
Complete lack of engineering spirit on things as simple as disabling risky
stuff, while other OSes have done that for years without problem. Idiocy at
its finest.

That's it, I've said it.

I understand what you are claiming.  I think most of us do.  I simply
disagree with some of it and see you as having failed to present a good
case for most of the rest.  Repeating your unsubstantiated claims -
such as the one that you readily admitted was unsubstantiated when I
called you on it - is not going to convince anyone of anything,
possibly excepting that you have such a weak point that you have to
resort to appeals to emotion rather than actual technical arguments to
support it.

The "unsubstantiated" claim is the percentage which I immediately clarified to
you as being illustrative but not definitive. The only ones who are making
unsubstianted claims are the ones who keep talking nonsense; like John Nemeth
for example, who as usual makes a great demonstration of his intelligence by
showing up late in a conversation and answering to each email in backwards
order on points that have been addressed already.

You are not worth my time.

And you're now resorting to...well, it's not a classic ad hominem, but
it's pretty close.  (It's not any individual that should be "worth
[your] time" or not, but rather the arguments presented.)  Your
arguments are convincing, but what they are convincing me, for one, of
is not what you appear to want to convince people of.

Well it appears you too have convinced me of something you were not expecting:
that you are not worth my time either. Trying to suggest I'm making
unsubstianted claims when I'm not. Trying to say I use emotions while I put
forward the technical reasons and solution. Quoting single sentences like the
above without quoting the paragraph. Do you want to contribute and do all the
actual dirty work for once, or you're just here to talk and give your random
opinions on things you've never invested yourself in? What is your background?
What is your portfolio?

Verily, I'm glad this thread has reached this point. Because it has just
cleared away the cobwebs in my mind.

My current inability to discuss this kind of topic, and to work through the
nonsense, irrelevance and profound idiocy in the answers I'm facing, just
shows I've accumulated so much frustration and anger towards this project. I
believe it is clear, and in this regard, you are not completely wrong.

So here's what's going to happen. I will drop this thread, because in the end
I don't care a lot. I will stop doing the work I've been doing, have withdrawn
from secteam already, and won't be taking care of any of that from now on. I'm
done, this is over.

Good luck

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