On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 12:41:53AM -0400, Mouse wrote:
> > Do you want to contribute and do all the actual dirty work for once,
> > or you're just here to talk and give your random opinions on things
> > you've never invested yourself in?  What is your background?  What is
> > your portfolio?
> You're right that I'm not particularly invested in the original issue;
> I don't use Linux compatability myself and I don't run NetBSD more
> recent than 5.2 on my own machines (at one of my jobs it looks as
> though 8.0 will get used - the reasons I don't run it don't apply
> there).  I got involved in this thread because invalid "arguments" like
> made-up usage statistics bother me.  I'm not opposed to the change per
> se (I'm not sure whether I think it would actually be a good thing);
> I'm opposed to doing it for specious reasons like "<1% users
> interested".
> My background?  B.Sc. mathematics major, computer science minor.
> Programming since the late '70s, been making my living programming
> and/or sysadminning since 1984.  Been involved with UNIX as a user
> since BSD 4.1c, with NetBSD since shortly before the split that led to
> OpenBSD.
> My portfolio?  Look for "der Mouse" in mail-index.n.o's archives for my
> past presence on the lists (including source-changes for what I did
> back when I was still committing).   Look for
> mo...@rodents-montreal.org for my presence after I dropped the "der" -
> possibly mo...@rodents.montreal.qc.ca too; I forget which change
> occurred first.  Look at ftp.rodents-montreal.org:/mouse/git-repos and
> clone whichever of them you care to.  Perhaps the most notable ones are
> moussh, git-interactive, livebackup, Mouse/games/blockade,
> Mouse/dreamcast, Mouse/mousemuck, Mouse/vax-emul, Mouse/netbsd-fork/*.
> Historically, there's also Mouse-X (an X implementation for 2bpp NeXT
> hardware - that one isn't a git repo AFAIK).  Look at
> ftp.rodents-montreal.org; much of what's there is old versions of stuff
> I now keep in git repos (I really kneed to clean it up), but there's
> probably at least a little other stuff there.

Probably the coolest thing is resize_ffs! Not sure you noticed, but now
ARM images will resize themselves to the full size at boot, so to get a
machine functional, all you need is to dd an image to an SD card and
plug it in. It's so very convenient.

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