On 2023/08/13 11:44, Andrew Hewus Fresh wrote:
> My laptop doesn't have the fastest wifi and sysupgrade already uses a
> progress bar to show what it's doing, so I'd really like to provide more
> feedback on what it is doing:

Does a single -v give enough feedback? It's a fair bit quieter (it
doesn't include the time estimates from ftp, but does still prints
what it's doing before it starts downloading anything potentially
large, so at least you aren't sat there downloading 12Mb of intel-
or iwx-firmware or 25Mb of amdgpu-firmware with zero idea about
what it's doing).

# fw_update -vv
Detect firmware ... found.
Get/Verify SHA256.sig   100% |**************************|  2371       00:00    
Get/Verify intel-firmware-2023080... 100% |*************| 12155 KB    00:07    
Install intel-firmware-2023080... 100% |****************| 12155 KB    00:00    
Get/Verify iwx-firmware-20230330.tgz 100% |*************| 12890 KB    00:48    
Install iwx-firmware-20230330.tgz 100% |****************| 12890 KB    00:00    
Get/Verify vmm-firmware-1.14.0p4.tgz 100% |*************| 42927       00:00    
Install vmm-firmware-1.14.0p4.tgz 100% |****************| 42927       00:00    
fw_update: added intel,iwx,vmm; updated none; kept inteldrm,uvideo


# fw_update -v
Get/Verify intel-firmware-20230808v0.tgz ... installed.
Get/Verify iwx-firmware-20230330.tgz ... installed.
Get/Verify vmm-firmware-1.14.0p4.tgz ... installed.
fw_update: added intel,iwx,vmm; updated none; kept inteldrm,uvideo

> $ time doas fw_update     
> fw_update: added intel; updated none; kept inteldrm,iwm,uvideo,vmm
>     0m58.45s real     0m00.51s user     0m00.35s system

firmware.openbsd.org is handled entirely by DNS round-robin with no
geographical awareness, so even with good local network and internet
connection, it can sometimes still take a very long time. For example,
times from two consecutive runs fetching intel-firmware on a 550M
download connection:

    0m10.11s real     0m00.71s user     0m00.77s system
    1m17.47s real     0m01.28s user     0m01.22s system

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