But microsoft office 2010 is fully accessible, I am using all products that fit 
my needs with very little problem.  Those programs are
outllook, word, and zcell.  I don't have any plans of ever needing power point, 
but heard it gets the job done also.  HTH
On Jan 2, 2012, at 12:22 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> to answer your question FS is still dealer based and they do not offer any 
> payment plans on anything so I recall. Sorry to be the barer of bad news. I 
> hope someone can be the bareer of good news. lol!
> On Jan 2, 2012, at 6:16 AM, Gordon Smith wrote:
>> Hi all
>> This is my first E-Mail to anybody for a very long time, so I must say it's 
>> good to be back.
>> In the hope of securing a teaching position in the not too distant future, 
>> it looks like I'm going to have to start learning the ins and outs of Jaws 
>> for Windows, as well as refreshing myself in the use of Microsoft Office 
>> application, especially Word.
>> Lynne downloaded JFW13 a few days ago, along with NVDA211, but we haven't 
>> had the opportunity to try them out as yet.  So, to my questions.
>> 1.  What's the latest version of Microsoft Office and where do we stand, 
>> please, in terms of accessibility with the aforementioned screen-readers, 
>> plus GW Micro's Window-Eyes?
>> 2. Does Freedom Scientific sell online to overseas customers, or is it one 
>> of those dealership rackets still, as it was when I got my fingers severely 
>> burned with them in 2000 when they re-sold my serial number to another 
>> customer and also my SMA, and they flatly refused to honour it with a 
>> different S/N and SMA.
>> 3.  On the assumption that Freedom Scientific does indeed sell 
>> internationally online, do they operate any kind of monthly "Lease To Own" 
>> programme, similar to that which GW Micro offers?  Currently my outright 
>> budget wouldn't stretch to the £1200 USD which Freedom seem to be asking for 
>> JFW Professional and that doesn't even cover remote access; shocking.
>> Having spent most of the morning playing around with various aspects of 
>> Windows 7 Ultimate Sp1 and Window-Eyes, I'm sorry to have to say that I'm 
>> distinctly unimpressed with GW's latest offering.  Having become somewhat 
>> accustomed to the lack of a "Browse Mode", I find it irksome to say the 
>> least when I have to keep continually pressing enter on edit boxes etc. 
>> before I can insert or modify data, and then having to re-enable browse mode 
>> to find out what a consecutive edit box's data should be. Pressing tab when 
>> outside of browse mode now yields only "Edit", and not the content 
>> descriptor field any longer.
>> I also find Window-Eyes 7.5.2 unacceptably slow at times when it's loading 
>> web content.  Indeed, sometimes I fid that it doesn't even finish loading at 
>> all, and I have to turn browse ode of and back on again to make it work.  
>> Actually that's a bug which has been around forever, but it's much much 
>> worse now. Many times I also see problems after entering my password in the 
>> log-on window when loading Window-Eyes.  Windows itself contuse down the 
>> log-on chain at normal speed but the Window-Eyes task often freezes or 
>> responds very very slowly. Thus, it takes often up to five minutes to gain 
>> access to the desktop and even then I sometimes get "Not Responding" notices 
>> regarding the Window-Eyes main executable, or one of the dynamic libraries 
>> upon which it relies.
>> I'm also finding GW Micro's so-called "Industry-Leading" technical support 
>> extremely poor. Often, they don't even respond at all and when they do, they 
>> don't usually provide adequate responses to questions.
>> I have seen opinion expressed in a couple of places on the Internet that 
>> Window-Eyes's overall quality has been severely depleted since the so-called 
>> innovative and, again, industry-standard scripting mechanism was 
>> incorporated into the application.  I share that opinion!  Were it not for 
>> the fact that Window-Eyes 7.0 is not compatible with 64-bit operating 
>> systems, and were it not for the fact that it won't run under Windows 7 at 
>> all, I would seriously consider reverting.  As it is. I'm going to have to 
>> really turn full circle, have a serous look at JFW and NVDA, and perhaps 
>> also System Access as well.
>> I am aware that there has been some discussion pertaining to screen-readers 
>> on list recently, sponsored initially as I understand it by my wife. I have 
>> read through the ensuing thread and found some of the comment very 
>> interesting. However, the angle I am hoping to discuss is more a practical 
>> one, rather than a financial debate. I'm going to try JFW because for one 
>> thing, I just cannot figure out how you configure NVDA for Braille output; 
>> which I need.
>> Any comment welcome, and did I say it earlier?  It's great to be back, 
>> finally.
>> Gordon
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