Hiya Miss Contrary! :)

Let me take this PBP, allah Lynne:

On 3 Jan 2012, at 16:51, Mary Stores wrote:

Glad to see you posting again.

It's still very sporadic, but I'm trying.

I haven't tested Mocrosoft Office anything with WE, but can say that I've used 
Outlook 2010, word 2010 and have read one PowerPoint so far using JAWS 13. I 
have not yet tried out the OCR feature. I guess I haven't needed it. I have not 
run into any problems.

Thank you for that, it's helpful. I'm hoping that I might be able to wangle a 
license for JFW from a local organisation as I'm hoping to land a teaching 

I have noticed that jAWS crashes IE9 a lot when on web sites using ARIA markup. 
WE seems to not support ARIA markup very well still at all.

Can you point me to such a website please?  It could be helpful for testing 
elsewhere as well.

Yes, it's still a delership racket, I am sorry to say.

I, too, am very sorry to hear that. The dealership here in the UK is usually 
alright for selling other products such as the Index Braille embossers but I'd 
still have to think long and hard before I bought JFW from them again.

Unfortunately, FS says " get a loan if you need to." Blah!

That's disgusting!  I fully understand that development and production cost 
money.  But I honestly think that attitude stinks.  Oh, and please, please 
don't get my other half talking about that because you'd never hear the end of 
it. She is a fierce socialist. :)

Well, JAWS has had auto forms mode for quite a while now. Whenever it 
encounters a form element, if auto forms mode is turned on (which it is by 
default) you won't have to keep reactivating it. I hope you can find that 

Yes, I have heard that and it's a good thing.  I must start learning to use the 
thing problem and pretty quickly.  I also believe that Duxbury works well with 
JFW too, I see that there are scripts for it.

Thank you Mary for your very helpful response.



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