Don Simons wrote:
> Alexandros Droseltis wrote
> > I have a problem at the last note/pause of the following example. How
> > could I correct it? I want the slur to begin at the note and end at
> > the pause at the same height.
> PMX cannot handle slurs to rests, partly because they don't make much
> musical sense.  But if you really want to do this, it turns out PMX lets you
> start and end a slur on the same note.  The horizontal shifts are limited,
> though, to +/- 6.3 notehead widths.  See the corrected file below.

Thanks Don! It's very nice. But the combination note-slur-pause *does*
make musical sense, especially in instruments like the harp or
percussion: it means that the player must not stop the vibration of the
strings (harp) or the body of the instrument (tubes). Berg uses it in
the horns too, to indicate that the end of the sound must not be abrupt.

> I also notice you aren't using postscript slurs ("Ap").

I tried it, but pmx does not accept it.


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