On Sun, 19 May 2002, Don Simons wrote:

> Can anyone see why the extract is screwing up the page layout (width, font,
> and indentation)? If I comment it out, the page is centered differently
> (properly) and the width is constant like it should be.

Looking in musixtex.tex you'll find the following lines (from line 36 on)

> \ifx\undefined\documentstyle % -> []plain.tex
>   \parindent0pt
>   \hoffset-15.4mm
>   \voffset-10mm
>   \hsize190mm
>   \vsize260mm
> \fi

Adding \def\documentstyle{} to the top of your extract solves the problem
of page format/centering. The margins come out like you've coded it in the
example. I didn't investigate further the font changing, but I guess it is
something similar. The easiest way to solve this would be first to \input
musixtex and then to set the actual font (That's what you are doing in PMX
generated TeX input files, I guess, when you first \input musixtex.tex and
afterwards pmx.tex)


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