On Mon, 30 Dec 2002 09:12:45 +0100, Daniel Taupin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> When editing music scores, there is Finale and Encore.

What, no Sibelius, and no Score?

>Period (there are other which are specific, but they are not free
>I replied that there is MusiXTeX, but this is ignored...

I know the feeling...

Someone on a classical guitar mailing list wrote to me last summer
about my Bach score, saying they very much liked the look of it and
would like to know what program I'd used. When, after several mail
interchanges in which I'd outlined the basic non-WYSIWYG approach of
MusixTeX (and then had to explain what "WYSIWYG" means), I pointed
this person at the source files in the Icking Archive, this was the
response I got:

>>You don't actually write all that weird stuff do you?!?  I did not 
>>find a source for your piece but I did look at one of the others and
>>it really made very little sense to me.  It is like it is in some
>>kind of code.  I had to view the file using quod.tex.  I have never
>>used that program before.  I do have GostScript and that works nicely
>>for converting finale files.  [.....] I really don't see how you
>>managed to do all that music never seeing what you are writing.  That
>>must be really hard!

In the event, this person proved unable (or unwilling) even to try to
install TeX, let alone learn MusixTeX. For my part, I've never ceased
to be glad that, when faced with the need to set guitar music, I
refused to throw money (the price of Finale/Sibelius/Whatever) at the
problem and instead invested the necessary time to come to grips with
MusixTeX. With a little, and at times a lot of, help from my friends
on this list -- and let me take this opportunity to thank them once
again for their kindness. Happy New Year to you all!


Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
        --- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
            Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
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