CULTURAL QA 05202405

Q1           What are the stories of Lord Krishna that give you goosebumps?

KR          Thank God Trivandrum doctor was not asked to explain this
phenomenon!!!   Disk prolapse in 3 months cured By Krishna -may not be a
FAKE NEWS?  Faith MAY even move the mountain. However, if it’s a real
prolapse, had that Doctor sent messages all over, Chandrasekar my friend
could have been cured. Is there media news?  Can Goose bump? See below NB.

Q2           When did aluminium become cheap?

KR           Yes correct; Before this breakthrough, aluminium was
considered a luxury item, and it was even used to cap the Washington
Monument in the United States as a symbol of wealth and prestige. However,
once the Hall-Héroult process was introduced, aluminium became much more
abundant and its price dropped significantly, making it widely available
for various industrial and consumer applications.

Q4           When Shri Krishna returned after the war of Mahabharata,
Rukmani, was filled with anger and questioned him. Why?


***NB    1     Can faith move mountains? If we see commercial on liners
advertising as honest, will give only the positive descriptions; and then
as if waiting, their own 3 or 4 people will eulogise that product and there
will be one harsh comment too. Thereafter it is rare any other purchasers
added any comments at all. But the consumers are attracted and rush to buy
that product. Fake products and Fake advt comments.  And the sales galore
and mute purchasers. So too, once something is written, immediately if 2
comments as advt passed, it becomes genuine?

2        According to the Mahabharata, Vibhandaka, a renowned sage and a
son of Kashyapa, travels in Mahahrada, when he sees Urvashi, the most
beautiful apsara (nymph). Aroused, he emits his seed, which fell into the
river. A doe, who is a cursed apsara, swallows it and becomes pregnant due
to the sage's miraculous powers. After she gives birth to a boy, she is
liberated from the curse and returns to heaven. The boy is born with horns
and because of which, he is named Rishyasringa. Vibhandaka decides to raise
him isolated from society. Rishyasringa grows up in his father's ashram in
the forest, unaware of existence of any female. He practices brahmacharya
and acquires magical and miraculous powers due to his chastity.

3       Meanwhile, Romapada—the King of Anga—offends a Brahmin, due to
which no other Brahmin agrees to perform yajna (fire-sacrifice). This
upsets Indra, the king of the gods, and he stops raining on Anga. As a
result, the kingdom suffers from drought and famine. Romapada is told that
the only way to bring rainfall is by bringing a man with perfect chastity
into the kingdom. Romapada learns of Rishyasringa and despite his fear of
the power and anger of Vibhandaka, he sends some courtesans to Rishyasringa
to bring him into his kingdom. During Vibhandaka's absence, the women come
to his ashram and meet Rishyasringa. They tell him that they were hermits.
Rishyasringa becomes astonished by seeing their appearance and invites them
to perform tapas (penance) with him. Before Vibhandaka arrives, the women
leave the place. Rishyasringa becomes love-sick and ignores his daily
duties. The next day, the courtesans return and take Rishyasringa to Anga.
As a result, the kingdom receives bountiful rains and Rishyasringa marries
Shanta. Much of the story is taken up by accounts of the feelings of the
young man as he becomes aware of women for the first time. {KR so it is not
Dasarathan and that day Ayodhya in famine}

4    The story can be found in both the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.
According to the Ramayana, Rishyasringa was the chief priest when the King
Dasharatha performed a yajna to beget progeny, and Rama, Bharata, and the
twins Lakshmana and Shatrughna were born.


Valmiki Ramayana - Bala Kanda in Prose Sarga 9

Sumantra, the minister of King Dasharatha, details the importance of Sage
Rishyasringa and beseeches the king to invite that sage to preside over the
contemplated Vedic ritual, for that Sage's entry into any kingdom is
auspicious for that land and people.Sumantra, the charioteer and one of the
misters of King Dasharatha, having heard all about the king's desire to
perform a Vedic ritual, said this in confidence to king, "Oh, king, I will
tell an early legend, an early legendary narration that I listened... "Oh,
king, I have earlier heard of this present advice given to you by Vedic
scholars, as godly Sage Sanatkumara has once narrated an account about the
arrival of your sons in the presence of other sages, and sage Sanat Kumara
said... He said that "Sage Kashyapa has a son known as Vibhaandaka, and his
son will be the renowned Sage Rishyasringa, and that Sage Rishyasringa will
grow up in forests, and will always be dwelling in forest...

    Here the word used by Sumantra is tava putra aagamam , it renders as
'the arrival of your sons', meaning that sons of King Dasharatha arrive
from Heavens, but not through an ordinary parturition. Even earlier in time
to that of Dasharatha, Sage Sanatkumara predicted the 'arrival' of Vishnu
as Rama. The birth-event associated with Rishyasringa’s name is that he is
born with a horn on the crown of his head. Thus he is named as
Rishyasringa, i.e., em> R^iSi the Sage; shR^i~Nga horn; a Sage with a horn
on his forehead at his birth time. This being the mythological import, he
is an acme among sages, as shR^i~Nga also means a peak."Not knowing others,
that Brahman the best, namely Rishyasringa, will always be abiding his
father and he will follow celibacy of two kinds Brahmanical vows namely
vratitva , praajaapatya ...Or  Not knowing others that Brahman the best,
will always be abiding his father, lest his renowned celibacy always
praised by the Brahmans, will be hindered.

    The word dvaividhyam also means two kinds of celibacy, vratitva and
prajaapatyam. One, as a bachelor and the other after marriage, voluntarily
distancing away from his wife on certain forbidden days like full moon and
new moon days, during daytime, eclipses, and other astronomical occurrences
and some more. This kind of self-imposed celibacy is one way of observing
sustained family planning methods, instead of resorting to medicaments.
Here, this word is more nearer to mean 'hindrance', than to mean the 'two
way celibacy' as deciphered by some commentators.    "In the world he
becomes famous for his celibacy, oh king, and he will always be praised by
Brahmans, and thus time will pass on with that kind of his conduct... Sage
Rishyasringa loses no time with his servitor-ship to the Sacrificial Fire
and also to his celebrated father, and during this period alone there will
be a famed and very strong king Romapaada, a valiant in Anga country... But
by a violation of righteousness of that king there will be a shocking and
devastating famine in that country... While the famine is besetting that
king Roamapada will be afflicted with grim, and on summoning Brahmans and
learned scholars he will address them..." ‘All of you are well versed in
rituals and knowers of the world history... order me how to how the
purification from sin will be..." ‘Thus said by king those scholarly
Brahmans and Vedic scholars will say to the king, 'oh, king, son of Sage
Vibhaandaka, namely Rishyasringa, is to be fetched by all methods...

      "Oh! King, having brought Sage Rishyasringa and honouring him well
with good care, procedurally give him your daughter Shanta in marriage to
that Vedic Brahman and the son of Sage Vibhaandaka... On listening them the
king becomes thoughtful about the idea by which it is possible to bring
that self-controlled sage to his place...Then that intellectual king
decides along with ministers, to dispatch clergymen and ministers,
honouring them well, and then sends them..."They on hearing king's words
are awestruck and lowering their faces they will say, 'we can not go there
as we are afraid of sage Vibhandaka, father of Rishyasringa...' After
thinking over they will say as a second thought, and having found a
solution with a plan to bring that sage, 'we will fetch that Brahman and
also by that no stigma will occur...'

      "Thus by the king of Anga kingdom and by his courtesans the son of
sage Rishyasringa will be brought and the presiding deity for rains will
showers rains, and Shanta will also be given in marriage to that sage...’
"Sage Rishyasringa, son-in-law of Romapaada, King of Anga ad as well as to
you, if invited to our kingdom he will bless you to beget sons, oh! King...
so said Sage Sanatkumaara to other sages and all this is retold by me."
Thus the charioteer and the Minister Sumantra completed his narration in
confidence to King Dasharatha.

Comment: Sage Rishyasringa is also a son-in-law to King Dasharatha.
Princess Shanta, in a distant relationship is a daughter to King Dasharatha
in relation and the adopted daughter of Romapaada, the King of Anga. Thus,
Sumantra's saying son-in-law also means Dasharatha's son-in-law, besides

5        The Naḷinikā Jātaka (Jā 526) introduces a past life of the Buddha,
a sage, living alone in the Himālayas. There is semen in the urine he
passes, a doe who eats the grass in that place gets pregnant from it. A
human boy named Isisiṅga (Pali) is later born to the deer and he grows up
in complete seclusion from mankind, and most importantly, from womankind.
He even doesn't know the difference in the body and appearance of the
two.The boy's ascetic power becomes so great that it disturbs the god
Sakka, the lord of heaven, who causes a drought to occur in the country and
blames it on the boy. He then convinces the King to send his daughter to
seduce him and to break the austerity of the young seer and to reduce his
ascetic power. The King and his daughter accept Sakka's reasoning and in
good faith – and for the benefit of the country – agree to be part of the
plot The girl dresses up as an ascetic and while the father is away
gathering roots and fruits in the forest, she manages to seduce the boy,
who has never seen a woman before. Through their revelling, the boy does
indeed lose his powers, after which the girl departs. When his father
returns, the infatuated boy informs him of the girl, only to be instructed
and rebuked by his father. He then repents for his actions.

6     Jātaka 523, the Alambusā Jātaka, also recounts a similar story
of Isisinga,
in one other previous life of Bodhisattva. Here, Sakka chooses a heavenly
nymph to seduce the ascetic. The outcome is the same: the sage is seduced,
repents and Sakka is thwarted. In response, he grants a boon to the

7     The story also appears in the Mahāvastu (Jones' translation pp.
139–147), but Ekaśr̥ṅga, as he is known here, is the Bodhisattva, and
Nalinī is a past life of Yaśodharā. A major variation in this version of
the story is Ekaśr̥ṅga's ignorance of his marriage to the girl. He succumbs
to worldly responsibilities, eventually becoming king and fathering 32
children before retiring again to the forest and regaining his former

8    According to the Tuṅgabhadrāmahātmya which is a division of a
Mahapuranas,[8] Rishyasringa is regarded to have been born from a place
near Sringeri in Karnataka. There is an ancient big temple nearby which is
believed to be the place where he lived before moving to Ayodhya.[9]
Sringeri is also known as ShringaGiri (Sanskrit: the hills where
RishyaShringaresided). The Shiva linga with which the sage merged, can be
seen today at the temple in Kigga.

9    There is a temple of rishyashringa named 'Chehni fort' situated in
Banjar tehsil of Kullu District Himachal Pradesh. In Banjar valley,
Rishyasringa is called "Shringa Rishi" by the locals. An idol of Shringa
Rishi with the goddess Shanta is present in the temple. This place is about
50  km from Kullu. Rishyasringa is the presiding deity of this secluded
valley named Banjar.

KR        Here was no faith moving the mountain; confused minds believe and
it is harmless so we do believe.        K RAJARAM   IRS   5524

On Sat, 4 May 2024 at 23:41, 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <> wrote:

> *CULTURAL QA 05-2024-05*
> *All the BELOW  QA are from  Quora  digest to me   on  05-05-2024.*
> * Quora answers need not be 100% correct answers *
> *.Compiled **and posted by R. Gopala krishnan,  on 05-05-2024*
> *Q1           What are the stories of Lord Krishna that give you
> goosebumps?*
> A1           Dr Arsha M Dev, MBBS MD in Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor
> of Surgery Degrees, Doctor of Medicine (Graduated 2023)7mo
> There was a girl who loved Lord Krishna very much from her very young
> age.She had to face a lot of hardships to reach her dream of becoming a
> Doctor.Yet she believed in Krishna so much.When her graduation was just a
> few months away,a terrible back ache occurred.The pain was not subsiding
> and it progressed to foot drop ( inability to use left foot.This made her
> walking difficult.The MRI scan revealed that she was having a severe disc
> prolapse affecting her nerves to the foot which may make her crippled for
> life.The emergency measure was a surgery.The surgery could save her from
> complete paralysis of the left leg,but the already occurred neurological
> damage to the foot was not correctable.
> The girl was shattered.There was no one to guide her.She herself was a
> Doctor,so she very well knew the consequences if surgery was not done.She
> was given a choice - either to proceed with surgery or leave everything to
> conservative treatment ( medicines alone) which in her case had negligible
> chances of success.Her faith in Krishna was strong - she knew everything
> occurred for a reason. The surgery was a little risky one.She planned to
> proceed with the conservative treatment, believing in Krishna.
> The senior Doctor who suggested her the treatment was also a devotee,his
> confidence was admirable.Three months passed,the pain subsided.Her walking
> slowly came to the original shape - her foot drop resolved completely! All
> these days,she and her loved ones offered prayers along with treatment.Now
> she is not just walking,she dances,she runs,she workouts and what else? The
> girl is now an MBBS,MD graduate from a reputed Govt.Medical College.People
> may call this as a Medical Miracle but honestly speaking it was Krishna who
> acted through the medicine.
> Ever since then,she tells this story wherever she go. She wants others to
> know that Krishna is always there taking care of us.
> And that girl is me.Radhe Radhe.
> *Q2           When did aluminum become cheap?*
> A2           Sean Kernan, Writer at seanjkernan.substack.com6h
> 1886–and it’s kind of a fascinating story.
> Aluminum was once more expensive than gold.
> But then a chemistry professor told a classroom that if someone could
> figure out how to make it cheap, they’d be rich in a heartbeat. One
> student, Charles Hall, learned how to smelt aluminum from bauxite. He did
> it using his moms pots and pans and everyday items. He was persistent and
> brilliant.
> And sure enough, he came up with a crazy-cheap way of smelting aluminum
> and the world was changed forever. His discovery led to the first
> widespread use of a metal since iron was discovered. So it’s no small feat.
> And yes, he made a ton of money from this process.
> *Q3           What are some famous English jokes?*
> A3           Jeff Kay,Modern Renaissance Man / Top Writer 2015/16/17/18 7y
> Irish archaeologists were excavating a certain location and found what
> appeared to be ancient long copper wires. After a bit of discussion, it was
> announced that the ancient Irish had created the first telephone
> communication network.
> Scottish archaeologists, not to be outdone by the Irish, found what
> appeared to be ancient long glass strands on one of their excavations.
> After some discussion, it was announced they the ancient Scots must have
> created the first fiber optic network.
> English archaeologists, in a fit of national pride, began digs all over
> England, but after years of searching, found nothing like the Irish or
> Scottish had.
> After some discussion, it was announced that the ancient English had most
> certainly created the first wireless network.
> *Q4           When Shri Krishna returned after the war of Mahabharata,
> Rukmani, was filled with anger and questioned him.Why?*
> A4           Chauhan Babu Nath,18h
> Everything else was fine in the war. But why did you support the killing
> of pious people like “Dronacharya” and “Bhishma Pitamah”??
>  “Shri Krishna” replied. It is true that both of them followed religion
> throughout their lives. But one "sin" committed by him destroyed all his
> "virtues".
> What sins were those??
> When "Draupadi" was being dissected in the crowd. Then both of them were
> also present there. Being an elder, he could have stopped Dushasan. But he
> did not do this. Due to this one sin of his, all his other religious
> activities fell short.
> And "Karna" was famous for his charity. No one left his door empty handed.
> Why did you help in his death? What was his mistake??
> Hey darling! You are telling the truth. He was famous for his generosity
> and never said no to anyone. But when Abhimanyu was lying on the ground
> injured in the battlefield after defeating all the warriors.
> So he asked Karna for water. There was a pit of water near where Karna was
> standing. But Karna did not give water to the dying Abhimanyu. Therefore,
> the "virtue" he had earned through charity throughout his life was
> destroyed. Later, the wheel of his chariot got stuck in the same pit and he
> was killed.
>  Hey Rukmani! often happens. When something wrong is happening around
> humans and they do nothing. They think that they are not guilty of this
> “sin”.
> If they are not in a position to help then they can tell the truth that
> they cannot do anything. He is in no position to help.
> But they don't even do that. By not doing so, they also become equally
> guilty of that "sin". The more one commits a “sin”.
> *Q5           What are some of the best "A priest, a pastor and a rabbi…"
> jokes?*
> A5           Marc Clamage, Alter kakker extraordinaire!1y
> A priest, a pastor, and a rabbi are sitting around talking and it turns
> out they all have the same problem: squirrels in the attic. The priest
> says, “When we realized what the problem was we hired an exterminator who
> sealed off the church and fumigated. Nevertheless, two weeks later the
> squirrels were back.”
> The pastor says, “We had this issue too. We got humane traps, caught the
> squirrels, and released them 20 miles away. Nevertheless, two weeks later
> the squirrels were back.”
> “We had the same problem,” says the rabbi. “When we realized what was
> going on, we had a meeting of the trustees, made the squirrels full members
> of the congregation, and now we only see them on Rosh Hashonah and Yom
> Kippur.”
> --
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