Hi Jed
 Many thanks for this itemize but complete description.
 I have not used Bob within last year, but your list of feature encourage 
me to try the new version.

On Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at 1:50:39 PM UTC+3:30, Jed Carty wrote:
> I made Bob because I can't spell, can't remember command line arguments 
> and can never remember where I put my wikis.
> And I kept opening wikis in different tabs and forgetting about it so I 
> would overwrite things I had saved, so it fixes that problem.
> So I set up Bob so you can click on the executable and it starts, it 
> doesn't require any configuration and you have access to almost all of its 
> features, the features that do require configuration are more advanced and 
> I am slowly making them work out of the box as well.
> I have been working to make it use as little memory as I can, so it has a 
> single tiddlywiki process and only loads tiddlers from each wiki instead of 
> creating a new $tw object or making a new process for it.
> I have my home server running on a raspberry pi along with gitea and some 
> file servers and before I had a script to start up a new node process for 
> each wiki which was making the pi run out of ram pretty quickly, now I have 
> around 70 wikis and it has no trouble.
> I have also tried to be very conscious of security problems because it is 
> meant to be very simple to use, so people using it may not have the 
> background to know what to look for when it comes to security.
> I try to have notes anywhere there is a setting that could cause a 
> security problem and explain some of the trade-offs between security and 
> convenience, this is for things like having the wikis available on the 
> local network and enabling the file server.
> After that I have just been putting things into it when I think of them 
> and need a break from other projects.
> You can do all of this from inside the wiki with a UI, it can use lot of 
> work but it is easier for me than having to editing json files and remember 
> how everything goes together.
> After that it just got away from me and I keep adding things to it.
> - Create wikis
>   - From editions
>   - From duplicating other wikis
>   - From single file wikis
>   - From a filtered list of tiddlers from one or more other wikis
> - Delete wikis
> - Move/Rename wikis
> - Export single file wikis with all of the server components removed
>    - You can optionally give a filter to limit what tiddlers are included 
> in the exported html file
> - You can set up Bob as a plugin server
> - You can change the plugins that a wiki uses with a checklist inside the 
> wiki itself, this updates the tiddlywiki.info file as well
>   - you can do the same with themes
> - It has an experimental feature that fetches plugins directly from GitHub 
> or gitlab and saves them so they can be included in any of your wikis
> - messages from the server appear in the wiki as tiddlywikis alerts
>    - This is configurable
> - The file server component can serve from multiple locations
>    - For security only files is the listed locations are available, and 
> you can't use something like '../../../../.ssh/rsa_id'
> - When importing media files Bob can save media files in a files folder 
> and create _canonical_uri tiddlers instead of importing the media directly 
> into a wiki
>    - I have a wiki that has thousands of pictures of the construction on 
> my house in it and there isn't any trouble
>    - You can scan folders for media and Bob will automatically create the 
> _canonical_uri tiddlers for you, and add the folder to the list of places 
> the file server can reach, so I didn't have to manually make one tiddler 
> for each image
> - You can shutdown the wiki server from inside a wiki
> - It also includes a saver server that, along with the BobSaver plugin, 
> lets you just open a tiddlywiki file and save it like you could before we 
> had the problems with browser restrictions.
> - There is a local chat that lets people using the same Bob server to have 
> a real-time chat setup inside the wiki. I am not sure how useful this is, 
> but it is there.
> There is also some federation stuff, like syncing wikis between different 
> Bob servers, but that is in the early stages and I doubt anyone but me 
> would use it in its current state.

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