(For EditorMagic <http://editormagic.tiddlyspot.com/>)

Based on information from this regex tutorial 
<https://www.rexegg.com/regex-uses.html#textsearch>, (see under "bubble") I 
am using this regexp and setup:

<$set name=re value="^(?=.*?\<\<foo\b).*?>>.*">
{{{ [all[tiddlers]prefix[Draft]!is[current]regexp:text<re>] }}}

...to capture tiddlers with this text:

lorem ipsum <<foo bar>> lorem ipsum

However, this does not capture tiddler that, for example, have an empty 
line above that text like so:

lorem ipsum <<foo bar>> lorem ipsum

How can this regexp be modified to accept any text that has <<foo ...... >>


Thank you.


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