> This a very Good article about Italy right now in the NYT .

TY-- definitely a good read-- familiar with the issue from civil defense 
preparedness in the 80's-- no realistic answer to the issue.  They 
mentioned  attribution amon medical staff-- which even with a strong 
healthcare system, a epidemic can seriously weaken it.  

Normal civil emergencies are usually localized like natural disaster where 
outside resources can be brought in-- but a pandemic is a different 
ballgame-- there may not be outside resources if other areas are also 
dealling with the same issue.

> The conundrum is the North, my area, is seriously locked down. It is the 
> productive heart of Italy. It is the powerhouse for production and making 
> money. The consequences of lockdown are serious in more than health. 
> Yes, a conundrum-- as the local emergency manager-- a doctor fortunately-- 
said here-- make provisions to let your workers stay home now if possible 
or deal with no workers later because they're sick or worst.
Although prestocking equipment like respirators can be realistically done 
after theis for the next pandemic.

As for afterward... the personal account you mentioned-- a journal of life 
during the lockdown-- which TW is perfectly suited for-- is an excellent 
idea-- get writing : P

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