On Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 9:22:45 AM UTC+4:30, A Gloom wrote:
> bug alert >.<!1!
> the Translate button isn't working for me any longer-- not even translate: 
> words in the search bar isn't working-- whatever sorcery I pulled off 
> initially, the mad god Google ain't allowing now
> but i has alternate mumble-jumble to use... in the action-sendmessage 
> param -- 
> https://translate.google.com/?text=Hello,+how+are+you%3F#view=home&op=translate&sl=en&tl=hi&text=paste%20(contril-V)%20to%20insert%20instructions
> which brings up an more interesting ui instanve of Google Translate
> a fix will be a lil slow-- eyes aren't cooperating-- I think i pushed them 
> too far the last couple days-- but I'll get to a fix
> @Mohammad
> you're AWESOME!1! I love seeing collabrative work! Will it be incorporated 
> into the Covid19 wiki? (that is if your template isn't effected by my 
> malfunctioning code)
Thank you! The idea is yours!
Yes, I use it in my WIki :-) and have documented under your name in 

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