Hi TiddlyWiki folks,

I want to show you my Muuri StoryView plugin version 0.2.0 Prerelease.

It contains various Bugfixes and can overall be considered more stable

New Feature:

   - Drop Actions: actions triggered when dropping an item from one grid 
   into another grid
      - the actionTiddler and modifier variables are available within the 
      action-string, containing the title of the dragged item respectively the 
      modifier keys held while dragging
Missing Feature:

   - A configuration panel. I'm currently overhauling it.
You play with it at https://burningtreec.github.io/tiddlywiki-muuri

On the Demo page there's a Sidebar Grid where you can drop tiddlers into. 
Holding shift while dragging adds a tag to that Tiddler. Holding ctrl-shift 
while dragging shifts the Tiddler to edit mode.

That's just a Demo of what can be built with the Muuri StoryView.

If we think about it - having a Muuri StoryView in the main river on the 
left and having one or two Grids in the SideBar with some defined 
dropActions makes the whole TiddlyWiki a Kanban on steroids :)

As always, I'm open for critics and ideas, just leave me a post

all the best, BTC

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