
> what would be neat is if Muuri looked for a storyViewConfig tiddler 
attribute on the list widget, and if it didn't exist used a default value 
for the config tiddler.

that would indeed be neat. should that storyViewConfig be a single tiddler 
(like a data tiddler) or a namespace?

> Then a layout with multiple stories could just specify a storyViewConfig 
attribute for each extra stories list view, and if Muuri was used it would 
be able to use that configTiddler. This way a layout does not need to know 
if Muuri might be used, and installing Muuri would not necessitate editing 
shadow tiddlers.

understood, yes that would be great...

In the meantime I've updated the plugin so that also the dragHandle and the 
connectionSelector can be configured by a config tiddler

saq.i...@gmail.com schrieb am Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2020 um 16:24:24 UTC+1:

> @BTC what would be neat is if Muuri looked for a storyViewConfig tiddler 
> attribute on the list widget, and if it didn't exist used a default value 
> for the config tiddler.
> Then a layout with multiple stories could just specify a storyViewConfig 
> attribute for each extra stories list view, and if Muuri was used it would 
> be able to use that configTiddler. This way a layout does not need to know 
> if Muuri might be used, and installing Muuri would not necessitate editing 
> shadow tiddlers.
> On Sunday, December 20, 2020 at 4:17:14 PM UTC+1 BurningTreeC wrote:
>> @Saq, right now almost every configuration for the main muuri story (the 
>> one in the story river) is done using a config tiddler. Only the connection 
>> with another Grid must be done with an attribute on the list widget. I 
>> could make that also configurable using a config tiddler
>> saq.i...@gmail.com schrieb am Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2020 um 14:47:11 
>> UTC+1:
>>> @BTC yeah there isn't an obvious solution that comes to mind but I will 
>>> think about it. 
>>> I considered a config tiddler that is determined by the name of the 
>>> storylist, but that would preclude two muuri with the same storylist.
>>> On Sunday, December 20, 2020 at 2:42:05 PM UTC+1 BurningTreeC wrote:
>>>> Hi Saq,
>>>> > In principle I quite like that the storyview gets its 
>>>> attributes/settings from the ListWidget. In practice however this means 
>>>> having to edit shadow tiddlers. I am wondering if there is way around 
>>>> that...
>>>> Yes that's the downside of it - I haven't found another way around it 
>>>> but I'm open for ideas
>>>> best wishes
>>>> saq.i...@gmail.com schrieb am Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2020 um 14:37:09 
>>>> UTC+1:
>>>>> Looks good @BTC!
>>>>> Love the dragHandle support.
>>>>> In principle I quite like that the storyview gets its 
>>>>> attributes/settings from the ListWidget. In practice however this means 
>>>>> having to edit shadow tiddlers. I am wondering if there is way around 
>>>>> that...
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Saq
>>>>> On Sunday, December 20, 2020 at 11:45:56 AM UTC+1 BurningTreeC wrote:
>>>>>> Hi TiddlyWiki folks,
>>>>>> I want to show you my Muuri StoryView plugin version 0.2.0 Prerelease.
>>>>>> It contains various Bugfixes and can overall be considered more stable
>>>>>> New Feature:
>>>>>>    - Drop Actions: actions triggered when dropping an item from one 
>>>>>>    grid into another grid
>>>>>>       - the actionTiddler and modifier variables are available 
>>>>>>       within the action-string, containing the title of the dragged item 
>>>>>>       respectively the modifier keys held while dragging
>>>>>> Missing Feature:
>>>>>>    - A configuration panel. I'm currently overhauling it.
>>>>>> You play with it at https://burningtreec.github.io/tiddlywiki-muuri
>>>>>> On the Demo page there's a Sidebar Grid where you can drop tiddlers 
>>>>>> into. Holding shift while dragging adds a tag to that Tiddler. Holding 
>>>>>> ctrl-shift while dragging shifts the Tiddler to edit mode.
>>>>>> That's just a Demo of what can be built with the Muuri StoryView.
>>>>>> If we think about it - having a Muuri StoryView in the main river on 
>>>>>> the left and having one or two Grids in the SideBar with some defined 
>>>>>> dropActions makes the whole TiddlyWiki a Kanban on steroids :)
>>>>>> As always, I'm open for critics and ideas, just leave me a post
>>>>>> all the best, BTC

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