If two TWs are open in separate Firefox instances I think its a case
for a firefox plugin. Unfortunately I am not familiar with FF hacking
but I think thats the way (provided that separate FF instances are
able to communicate with each other)

On May 26, 2:25 pm, skye riquelme <riquelme.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> This is one of those "wish I could" type of items.
> At home I find it convenient, to work with two screens (extended
> monitor under vista). And as a teacher often find myself giving
> presentations - which are TWs not powerpoints!!!!!. Obviously I can
> have the datashow act as a second screen...so I could have the laptop
> and the datashow running different programs...
> It would like to have the situation where the laptop screen was
> showing a page of notes, and a small thumbnail of a slide
> image...while the datashow (second screen) was showing the full-sized
> image. I often have lots of stuff I want to remember/access but don´t
> want to put it all into the actual slide......
> So....can I have two TiddlyWikis....one just has the sequence of
> fotos...the other has the fotos (ou thumbnails) and the
> notes........when I click through the TW on the laptop ...to next page
> of notes.......it informs the other TW (on the datashow) to also move
> to the next slide. How can TWs communicate????? Remembering that for
> this split screen stuff to work, the TWs are actually open in separate
> instances of Firefox (I have two firefox windows...not two
> tabs)....can I use cookies....a timer that checks the other TW for
> changes in a global variable?????
> ..a work around..is to have a firefox window open with width of say
> 2300px...and a TW also with width of 2300px.....now the main display
> window is on the laptop...and the sidebar on the datashow.....it
> works..but rather cumbersome....have to keep resizing windows...
> Any ideas
> Skye

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