
Thanks Poul for your reply.  As you said different use cases for
uuid's and identity would lead to different designs.  I think we
nonetheless should standardize on something and say tiddler standard
version 1 somewhere in a tiddler field.  Then we can upgrade later on

@Tobias  Your last post makes it as if it is a heavy burden to do the
uuid stuff which would be better done on a server.  I don't think so.
It can (should!!) be done client side.  And you propose a quite heavy
process with naming conventions and standards.  I would rather define
a minimum and leave extensions open.

Client side examples which would benefit from a minimal uuid standard
are: there where (are) some tw's who exchange tiddlers through rss
with no server explicitely involved.  The same goes for upgrading a
tw.  How does tw know if a plugin has changed?  Some brittle
convention.  If there was a machine readable date field and uuid a tw
could "know" that a plugin was newer.  I think in the tw universe it
is important to have the basic uuid capabilities in the client (tw).

@Chris and others
I mentioned Ward's federated wiki quite some times because he has a
concrete specification:


    "title": "Welcome Visitors",
    "synopsys": "The first federated wiki page written and often first
page viewed.",
    "story": [
            "id": "7b56f22a4b9ee974",
            "type": "paragraph",
            "text": "Welcome to the federated wiki. This page was
first drafted
                     Sunday, June 26th, 2011, at indie-web-camp. You
are welcome
                     to copy this page to any server you own and
revise its welcoming
                     message as you see fit. You can assume this has
happened many
                     times already."
             "id": "8d8a6cf94b72e848",
             "type": "image",
             "width": "300px",
             "height": "200px",
             "caption": "Ward's Lighted Electric Bike at [http://
                         /cal/viewpp2011.php#24-2144 Pedalpalooza]",
             "url": "/lit-and-loud.jpg"
    "trail": [
    "journal": [
                  {"type":   "edit",
                   "id":     "15411293042b2735",
                   "text":   "the paragraph now says this"}

This looks somewhat similar to the tiddlyweb JSON for a tiddler.  The
main difference is the use of the id's (uuid's) and the journal.  the
journal is what helps do track changes and I would propose to add it
additionally to uuid's.  But I would leave using the journal
optional.  That would mean there is a standard way to track history
and merges, but a client or server is not obliged to use it.

A creator/editor field would be nice also.  However without
authentication/cryptographic signing it probably will be forged
sometime and it will be more of a convention than a reliable
authorship field.

Now also cryptographic signing could be nice for tiddlers and I could
think of a lot of additional possibilities.  Therefore the tiddler
field protocol should be extensible with optional fields which can be
ignored at will through a client or server.

The main problem is as Chris stated:
>Okay that makes more sense. I'm not sure how or who to decide the
>syntax and semantics.

For that we need some process.

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