On Friday, March 11, 2016 at 10:06:05 PM UTC+11, John Newell wrote:
> Hi Mark ( and others )
> I need to clarify what I have written below as it's not quite accurate and 
> I need to clarify WHERE and HOW  exactly tiddlywiki renders so crisply
> I had a few friends "push back" on my enthusiasm regarding the less than 
> perfect delivery of tiddlywiki on OLDER iphones, so I made the adjustment 
> to delivery using the power of 2 alternative hosts that render documents 
> and HTML properly. 
> When the TW file is hosted and shared via *padlet.com <http://padlet.com>* 
> (GoogleAPI cloud) there is a viewer in play that manipulates the HTML file 
> - and so does *Dropbox*

> A ( very incomplete ) example that I am currently re-creating can be found 
> here  - 
> https://padlet-uploads.storage.googleapis.com/32228399/d4a0eb1d1751fae680bd55ccde9abaa5e86e929a/220aafd2f907766559569637d5a2db4b.html
> which is padlet hosted  ( which I suggest checking directly then saving 
> locally iphone Offline Reading facility - that few know - but guess that 
> most of you luminaries have it as 2nd nature. ( just in case - I've posted 
> this up quickly - http://offlinereading.pen.io/ ) no logins required.. 

> Reading offline is perfect and very handy for (e)BOOKS - which is my 
> current obsession. Thanks to Ton Gerner I have almost nutted out the TW 
> eBOOK "Readonly" version and will upload for inspection once complete ... 
> keep in context it may be a little ??? for some of you - but it's about the 
> ability to present cleanly and quickly. Seriously - you can write / copy up 
> a book into TW - convert to readonly ( I aint fast at that yet ) then 
> "publish via padlet or "Public" Dropbox in minutes - oh - and finally - to 
> my joy - delivering via iphone / iOS allows for the use of *any of the 
> font sets within iphones* / ipads -- which creates a great 
> impression....( check iosfonts.com ) 
> cheers all.
> On Monday, March 7, 2016 at 6:33:36 AM UTC+11, Mark S. wrote:
>> Just curious. Does zooming of TW on Safari on i-devices work 
>> appropriately?
>> On Firefox in Android, when you attempt to zoom on a tiddler the words go 
>> off the end of the screen. Very annoying and not how it works on the 
>> desktop. Fortunately, it works correctly on andtidwiki.
>> One of the advantages of epub readers (at least on Android) is that you 
>> can easily change font size and color and even set up night reading 
>> environments. To use TW as a complete epub substitute, it seems like you 
>> would need some way to easily swap themes to accommodate the user's 
>> environment.
>> Mark
>> On Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 10:57:19 PM UTC-8, John Newell wrote:
>>> (*First time Group Poster, 7 years TW user and fan.*)
>>> I need assistance in creating a TW5 file that is an alternative to eBook 
>>> format - that is 
>>>    - Non-editable by the reader
>>>    - Without the sidebar ( as navigation is / will be - via tags & 
>>>    links in each tiddler (chapter)  and "close tiddler button" at the base 
>>> of 
>>>    the long pages.)
>>>    - and no access to backend
>>> If anyone can assist we'd be very grateful - and as I have had trouble 
>>> finding anything online that espouses the greatness of TW5 as a likely 
>>> BETTER alternative to eBooks in other formats ( and provides a guide to 
>>> achieving the uneditable standalone version ) - I would love to promote the 
>>> socks off tiddlywiki's benefits. I have over 400K social followers over 
>>> various accounts- the biggest following a few have caught up with me 
>>> recently on : twitter @magillamax
>>> *Background to this request :*
>>> My wife and I have just finished a very large tome (7MB) called 
>>> "Spiritual Quest" ("SQ") which we have recently issued to 40+ people to 
>>> review before taking it live.
>>> Created as an EPUB - it amazed me how many had trouble downloading it - 
>>> then opening in an ePub reader - usually iBooks.
>>> After getting frustrated at their ineptness - I looked at myself and 
>>> figured that "I" must make the book more accessible.
>>> I quickly created a TW5 version - uploaded to dropbox - and emailed it 
>>> to 22 ppl with a direct link to the TW5 within dropbox.
>>> Most had dropbox and opened it immediately _ voilĂ  !! 
>>> <https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwjb-feOuKvLAhWIipQKHTVwCMkQFggcMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wiktionary.org%2Fwiki%2Fvoil%25C3%25A0&usg=AFQjCNEc8CG-LJDPv1Eb4759IKMMuTiUcw&sig2=XPXOkuVw4hZ6XDDe5t-zlg>
>>> I also provided to each a quick guide to Adding the SQ Tiddlywiki file 
>>> to "Reading list"
>>> In TW5 it renders (significantly) better, is more efficient in use of 
>>> space, cleaner, easier to edit, changing Settings to Airplane Mode and then 
>>> opening up perfectly in Safari - all good ---
>>> ( and TW5 is always a "snack" to edit and add to )
>>> thanks in advance - and I'll keep future comm's less wordy...... JN
>>> *Tiddlywiki has revolutionized my management of client information, 
>>> registrations, content, invoices etc ( especially with the advent of {{ }} 
>>> transclusions)I have also used it for VERY effective management and 
>>> tracking a recent (narrative) book.I love what TW5 can do, and use it 
>>> daily. However I am very cautious going into the deeper coding.*
>>> <https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwjb-feOuKvLAhWIipQKHTVwCMkQFggcMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wiktionary.org%2Fwiki%2Fvoil%25C3%25A0&usg=AFQjCNEc8CG-LJDPv1Eb4759IKMMuTiUcw&sig2=XPXOkuVw4hZ6XDDe5t-zlg>

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