Thank you Mark S & coda coder

For your further ideas molto grazie.

coda coder wrote:

> I'm not sure if I've understood correctly, but, that draft seems to 
> suggest that in Firefox you *may* be able to set user-select, either in 
> the parent element or in the before/after pseudo element itself:

Right. There is a lot of ambiguity and no clear outcome. Its clear its an 

I tried a few different tests on user-select. Gotit to work but not (yet) 
on any generated pseudo bits. I try a bit more before giving up.

Mark S. wrote:
> I'm not familiar with how your regex tools work. Do they re-iterate until 
> there are no more changes to be made?

I'm using BJ's Flexity plugin that allows sequences of RegEx to be run 
before the main parser kicks in. Iteration continues freely if you want, 
until done. Basically its raw access to JS regex in its full form.

> If so, then I'm thinking that rules like this at the very end:
> /(.*?)#startmarker#/$1 0001#endmarker#/
> /(.*?)#startmarker#/$1 0002#endmarker#/
> .... etc.
> Might brute force what you want. 

The problem is getting the counters. Whilst some JS implementations when 
you get a capturing group you can return both the string and the match 
index (i.e. return the match count value as well as the string content) in 
JS, as far as I know, you can return the string matched with the captured 
group, but you can't access the COUNT of the match, even though you can use 
it. IF you could then I could use that to build the indices I need.

Best wishes

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