
I have a different view on a number of the items you responded too, however 
my post was a little off topic in the first place I do not want to 
perpetuate this too much.

> On SharePoint renaming a file to tiddlywiki.aspx uses any browser and can 
>> save back (store in a webPages library for speed and checkout to one editor)
> I seem to recall that this was a commercial subscription that was required.
Yes, but it may work with regular office or One Drive accounts and may be 
quite broad in applicability. If we are talking about universality and file 
based wikis, this is part of the story. Add Dropbox, Google Drive, AWS 

> > TiddlyDesktop lets you make use use of higher desktop privileges 
>> allowing links in file or folder wikis that let you open File explorer, 
>> default Browser or even executables.
> TD installed takes almost 300 megs of space. Not a lightweight, portable, 
> browser-powered solution. Also, for me, it would really help if it didn't 
> require reboot whenever you re-opened a data folder TW.

300 megs is becoming trivial for desktops today. Reboot requirement, I have 
not observed this?

>    > Did you know file://c:/ in firefox creates a directory you can browse 
> and dragging and dropping files found there on TiddlyDesktop captures the 
> full local file path?, also you can drag items in FF address bar as well.
> You'll need to explain how to get this to work. I've tried multiple times 
> and haven't succeeded. I think you're saying if you use FF as a file 
> browser you can drag and drop. Have to try that.

Yeah try it, if its important start a thread, or use discord.

> > Installing AMPPS MAMP etc.. allows you to host wikis on a local apache 
>> server and use TW-receiver, set an forget
> I don't think installing and forgetting a full-blown apache server is a 
> good idea for most people. You've opened up a world of security concerns. I 
> bet there's a fair bit of "setting" before you ever get to the "forgetting" 
> part.

The packages are getting easier, the possibilities increasing and the 
occasions in which users may using this for other reasons are increasing. 
This was a little off the topic of universal, sorry.

>   > With the forthcoming local storage plugin you can work and save in 
> local storage then download like in option (1) every now and then as a 
> backup, 
> Jeremy has told us that the local storage plugin shouldn't be considered 
> as a storage mechanism. It is used in other apps, so, let's see. The main 
> thing is that you lose transparency. Without deleting your profile you 
> can't be sure that you've removed all traces of your original file.

I understand Jeremys argument, but disagree when it comes to using local 
storage to enable immediate, interactive and savable wikis hosted on line. 
It is about what it enables more than depending on it for long term 
storage, and PWS's are challenging this perspective. Some of my own work to 
allow serial editing of single file wikis, check in check out and user 
management has a lot of promise, but it contains a number of innovative 
tricks I am yet to work through.

There is a clear Local storage button already, but if this is my wiki on my 

> > Installing vanilla nodeJS lets you make use of static tiddlers, serve 
>> files from you desktop to your browser so you can load only those at a time 
>> if you wanted on large wikis.
> Not a single-file TW solution. Requires node to be installed and a server 
> to be continuously running.

I agree but if we had a simple installer, and the way to add wikis easily 
we can leverage Nodes own cross platform work to keep tiddlywiki cross 
platform. Perhaps updates to TiddlyServers settings process or single file 
wikis on bob.exe would help this a lot.

>   > PS New version firefox is challenging Chrome
> No, it's not. Did you know that 90% of Mozilla's revenue comes from 
> Google? Do you really think G will
> let Mozilla create a truly competitive product? 
I do not understand this revenue issue, but have a look at the recent 
FireFox release notes. And by the way it is as good as or better for me 
than chrome already.


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