Ciao Mark

Its looking good! Your work--well, I could not have done it!! Molto grazie.

GG won't at the moment let me send attachments. But you should be able to 
download it from here ...

 I hope it works for you. I don't see any issues but it was a lot to bring 
it together. 

I integrated you changes with my changes, I hope ok. But please let me know 
if I messed up. My changes were ...

-- *Created a  # TEST  section that I hope will make your needed 
experiments easier*

*-- Shifted your ini processing library into the sub-dir  .\lib * (I fear 
the main directory will get cluttered if we don't)

*-- Added a menu item for  R - Run Tests  and an internal setting for 
switching it on and off *(its "on" in what I'll send)

-- Put  # RUN INFO  section into a seperate function to make it more 
re-usable (now it runs first every time you hit  "R - Run Tests" ) . Added 
the Timer settings.

-- Added ability to turn off menu option  T - TiddlyWiki Folder  listing (I 
think it could be confusing if you don't keep all wiki under one folder) in 
internal settings. ??But still not sure about it??

-- Replaced all instances of  "$ninelives"  with  $appAndVer 

-- Re-arranged  # INTERNAL SETTINGS  and removed dead-wood

-- Added command-line parameter  -ini  so you in can (in theory) have more 
than one instance of the script doing different things at the same time 
(this is in testing)

-- Added file type  .tw  to the two informational directory listings (wikis 
& downloads) -- largely because of TonyM's promotion of that idea and 
thoughts of possible interworking with his approach.

Quick note on files ...
Mark S. wrote:

> So eventually, if we settle on "polly", for example, there might be 5 or 
> more files
> polly.txt (for usage)
> polly-vsn-initials.ps1 (the script)
> polly.ini (the settings)
> polly.bat (to launch with proper privileges)
> Get-IniContent.ps1 (library for parsing ini file)

Just FYI, I currently have, in addition ...


A limitation in Powershell is "switch" (used for the "menu") doesn't have a 
timeout like "choice" in bat files have. 
So you can't run the script in "menu" mode and expect it to switch to 
"auto" mode after a timeout. You have to explicitly select an option.
I'm sure there is a way to do it but its beyond me at the moment. The 
"mode" bats get around that. 

Menu mode is necessary for setup (its the default, same as "polly.bat"). 
After that you can just use "auto" to initiate the file monitor without  
any menu.

Many thanks!

Best wishes

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