Find this pretty interesting. As is your whole *TW5 Tribal Knowledge* wiki 
by the way. Pretty nice ressource!

Side note about my version of atom-feed (
: it's far from finished know, since I'm working on a more automated and 
integrated publishing system via gitlab. Please consider it *pre-alpha*.

This thread reminds me that has no more rss/atom 
feed for a long time. Since it is know regularly updated, it would be a 
good idea to re-enable it, wouldn't it?



Le lundi 2 septembre 2019 10:10:15 UTC+2, @TiddlyTweeter a écrit :
> Scott
> Really interesting! 
> Note sure if you were aware that there are other atom.xml makers, though 
> for node TW, not standalone.That, I guess, is because, on node you can 
> auto-output the xml file. 
> On TW stand-alone its a bit more problematic to automate because, even if 
> you made a one-click custom exporter to save it, it would end up in a 
> directory defined by the browser download mechanism, which may not be ideal 
> for uploads--though no way a final problem.
> ??But I do think that maintenance of feeds needs to be as automatic as 
> possible??
> sycom: 
> dullroar:
> Thoughts
> TT
> On Monday, 2 September 2019 07:37:14 UTC+2, Scott Kingery wrote:
>> I've developed a simple system for creating an atom feed for your 
>> TiddlyWiki. Even single HTML file wikis. It's really just a formatted 
>> filter list but it will enable you to copy and paste the text to an 
>> atom.xml file. So, not completely automated but if you want a feed, it 
>> should work. 

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