On Saturday, September 28, 2019 at 4:26:24 PM UTC-5, Cd.K wrote:
> coda coder wrote 
>> ... innocent sloppy spaces which will "break" the flow. HTML deals with 
>> sloppy spaces itself - something that's been around for what... >25 years? 
>> This idea breaks that.
> Have you ever heard of *DARING FIREBALL Markdown*? 


I think you think I didn't understand? I do understand your proposition. 
The leading-period I *like*. The trailing space-space I don't like so much 
(for the reasons I gave).

> And in HTML there is a tag to preserve white spaces: <pre> ... </pre>
> <pre>Text in a pre element
> is displayed in a fixed-width
> font, and it preserves
> both      spaces and
> line breaks</pre>
> (w3schools.com <https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_pre.asp>)

You might also want to try this css interactive demo: 

> coda coder wrote
>>  Reasoning: When copy-pasting external text, now I have to police the 
>> text at the character level to watch for
> *Which objects do you use in Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 for your policing? *
My eyes. My cursor. Looking for space-space that (if your proposal were 
adopted) would mess up my pasted external text. Admittedly, if it were a 
'mode" of some kind, I could choose not to use it, of course. But really, I 
was just pointing out a potential downside. There's nothing intrinsically 
"wrong" with it.

> I'm trying to find the location in TiddlyWiki where the white spaces 
> characters are removed from the <pre> tag. This happens before parsing. I 
> found this while debugging so far: `$tw.Wiki.prototype.
> deserializeTiddlers`.
> But even here one space is missing. But this space is definitely present 
> in the html file and also in the tiddler in edit mode. 
> Can you help me out here too? 

Sorry, I know nothing about tw internals or its implementation details. 
Maybe "one day", when I have time ;)

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