Hi Jed, Ed here,
>From Amsterdam -> Paris
Finally time to get back here.

I think BoB is an excellent program, still pestered by some hiccups, 
although these are probably my mistakes.
Hope really that you still go on developing the program as the potential is 
absolutely great. I try, already for
quite some time to "convert" some colleagues at work to use TiddlyWiki, but 
seems still to arcane for them.
Mainly because of lack of documentation, that can be understood at a 
simpler level then here in the Google
Groups is discussed or written at tiddlywiki.com

Anyway I tried out Bob here at work, as I seemed to me a great way to share 
information. It worked, though 
sometimesthe connection was lost and it beats me why I had to use one time 
port 8081 and another time 8080. 
Baffling for an IT-unsavy person like me.

Oh, and please change in the introduction tiddler "Hello!" that "Node 
Settings" to"BoB Settings" as this is a bit 
confusing. One colleague started to nose around in that tiddler and could 
find these"Node Settings" and gave up.
That's no ill will or lazyness or what have you, but mainly work pressure. 
We're really overloaded sometimes.

Please go on, Jed, developing this brilliant piece of software!!
BTW, anybody else reading this and recognizing the value of Jed's work, get 
asap to Patreon, only four of us are 
helping out there!Keep up the Good Work!
Cordialement, Ed

Op vrijdag 13 september 2019 13:51:31 UTC+2 schreef Jed Carty:
> It looks like I forgot to release a lot of changes. I haven't finished the 
> inter-server federation setup as much as I would like, so none of that is 
> ready to be used yet.
> Most of the updates this time involve updates to the file server and the 
> wiki management interface.
> The most visible changes are the wiki management interface and the 
> mediaScan message.
> The wiki management interface should be pretty self-explanatory, just 
> check the control panel.
> The mediaScan message lets you give a folder and it finds all of the media 
> in the folder and makes _canonical_uri tiddlers for each thing it finds. 
> Check the documentation for more about it.
> Remember that only folders that are under the folder listed as the 
> filePathRoot can be used to serve images.
> As always, I am the only one who has done any significant testing with 
> this, so there may be bugs. Back up your wikis regularly.
> The plugin version of Bob is on GitHub here: 
> https://github.com/OokTech/TW5-Bob
> The newest version of BobEXE is available here: 
> https://github.com/OokTech/TW5-BobEXE/releases
> If you want to support the development OokTech has a patreon page here 
> https://www.patreon.com/OokTech
> or if you prefer there is a link for PayPal here 
> https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=ZG94CTLHTKYRE
> Here is the changelog for this release:
> Lots of changes from the previous release, expect there to be some bugs.
> Version 1.2.4 Mashed Potatoes with a fine black pepper gravy
>    - Cleaned up some code in FileSystemMonitor.js and WebsocketAdaptor.js to 
>    better partition what each does, no functional changes.
>    - Split out the start of the federation components for inter-server 
>    communication.
>    - Change all of the checks to see if a tiddler has changed to use the 
>    hash of the tiddler instead of matching fields. It should be less 
>    suceptable to bugs. It may be slightly faster but this probably isn't a 
>    place where that makes a difference.
>       - (unfinished) The hashes are cached where appropriate to make 
>       things a bit faster. Once again this may be unneeded but it was simple 
> to 
>       implement.
>    - The normalizeTiddler and TiddlerHasChanged functions are used more 
>    consistently
>       - fix some incorrect handing of tags and list fields in 
>       normalizeTiddler
>    - Change code to use new core utility functions
>       - Used $tw.utils.generateTiddlerFileInfo where appropriate
>       - Used $tw.utils.saveTiddlerToFileSync,
>    - Added collapsing wiki listing
>    - Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the file server from working 
>    correctly in the root wiki.
>    - Added the working framework for inter-server federation and messages.
>    - Added a check to see if Bob was running in an iframe and if so don't 
>    treat upgrade requests as websockets
>       - This is needed to make twederation work with Bob servers.
>    - Fixed a bug where the list field would be sorted when it shouldn't 
>    be.
>    - Added command to scan a folder for media and create _canonical_uri 
>    tiddlers for each thing found. (mediaScan)
>    - updated to tiddlywiki v5.1.21
>    - fixed a bug with how filter in $:/config/FileSystemPaths are handled
> Version 1.2.3 Boiled Potatoes
>    - Setting up the file server is simpler now
>       - In the Bob Settings tab of the control panel there is a file 
>       server tab that lets you check a box to enable the server.
>       - There are also text boxes that let you set the folder where files 
>       are served from and the path prefix for files
>    - The makeImagesExternal message was added. It takes all of the 
>    embedded media in a wiki and copies it into the folder for the file server 
>    and replaces the media tiddlers with tiddlers that have a _canonical_uri 
>    field pointing to the media file.
>       - An option lets you copy the files into the globally available 
>       file folder or into the wiki specific file folder.
>    - Add interface to duplicate an existing wiki
>       - You can optionally duplicate all of the child wikis that are 
>       contained in the folder of the wiki you are duplicating.
>    - Add interface to rename/move a wiki
>    - Add interface to delete a wiki, you can optionally delete all of a 
>    wikis children as well.
>    - Fixed some potential bugs dealing with paths when creating new wikis.
>    - Reordered some functions to make wiki creation more consistent.
>    - Added browser alerts for server events (like confirmations of 
>    creating or deleting wikis, fetching tiddlers, etc.)
>       - There is a control panel tab that lists a history of server 
>       messages.
>    - Possibly fix a bug that could add incorrect path prefixes when using 
>    filters in $:/config/FileSystemPaths.
>    - Reorder the control panel tab for Bob so it is more compact and 
>    organised.
>    - Added the proxyprefix configuration option. It is needed for when 
>    you are behind a proxy that changes the path part of the url. See [[the 
>    documentation|$:/plugins/OokTech/Bob/UsingProxies]]
>    - Added default values for the plugins, editions, languages and themes 
>    environment variables. They are './Plugins', './Editions', './Languages' 
>    and './Themes' respectivly.
>    - You can see available editions, plugins, themes and languages in 
>    plugins called $:/Bob/AvailablePlguinList, $:/Bob/AvailableLanguageList, 
>    '$:/Bob/AvailableThemeList' and $:/Bob/AvailableEditionList.
>    - Add an interface to set which editions are listed in the create 
>    wikis from editions interface.
>    - Updating settings should work more consistently now
>    - Hopefully fix the wiki listing so it works on wikis that are more 
>    than one layer deep in the names.
>    - Empty settings should be properly removed now so the settinsg.json 
>    won't be full of things like "foo":{}
>    - The 'Are you sure you want to leave without saving' message should 
>    be suppressed for real this time.
>    - Deleting a wiki that has been previously loaded shouldn't cause 
>    trouble anymore.
>    - Added many logging things
>       - different logging levels to pick how much output is given
>       - log to the console or a file, or both (logging to the browser 
>       coming soon)
>       - independent logging levels for each logging type
>       - Errors and other logging messages can put into separate files 
>       (stdout and stderr can be handled separately)

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