I don't know if this is exactly what you're asking for but here are some 
"rule of thumbs" and other thoughts that have evolved in my own work:

Only show/serve what is relevant. This can definitely include a wide set of 
examples etc but it would mean that one generally sticks to standard TW 
behaviour such as default Theme, Palette, Storyview, tool buttons etc. 

I do deviate a tad from this by e.g activating "titles as links" partly 
because I think it is almost common courtesy to make it easy for people to 
fetch whatever they want from my public wikis, *particularly* when serving 
plugins. I've also disabled CamelCase linking because it is a nuisance with 
dead links.

Aslo I subtly, but noticeably, show what version the current TW has (above 
the tiddler title). IMO the user should get a feeling for the context the 
plugin was created in. ("Hm, this plugin seems to use some math stuff but 
5.1.17 is pretty old... must be before the core math was introduced")

Continuing in this vein, I mostly avoid things that the visitor might 
mistake to be the plugin when it is not. One exception is my SideEditor 
which shows up as an arrow button in every tiddlers toolbar. I'm too lazy 
to remove it because I'd have to reactivate it whenever I want to tweak 
something. But other than this, typically no magic looking buttons or stuff 
that are not part of what is actually offered.

IMO, the very first tiddler meeting the visitor should, as a very first 
thing, state what the plugin does *as succinctly* as possible. For example: 
is a plugin that lets you ...."* or *"BarFoo is a 100% CSS based stylesheet 
to get ...."* (I note this is missing in your MyMenus plugin and hence a 
visitor can only guess, which probably minimizes the chances him trying it 

I typically name the wiki as the plugin (possible because I only serve one 
plugin per wiki) and I try to make the name as self explanatory as 
possible. The wiki subtitle is typically too short to allow for a 
description so often I allow myself some artistic freedom with some stupid 
joke or catch phrase for the plugin. 

I typically try to only have one default tiddler. If it is a complex 
plugin, I instead let this default tiddler have *tabs* such as "About", 
"Demos", "Notes", "Installation", etc. Those are just examples - exact tabs 
depend on the situation. It is fortunate if there can be a small enough 
demo to make it on first tab (i.e About or Intro) so the user can quickly 
decide if it is relevant at all. It is also nice if the 

I personally think it is nice to give provide some context for the creation 
such as clarifying its rationale and pointing out its possible weaknesses. 
That would probably be under a "Notes" tab.

Sometimes I include a list of the shadow or component tids with comments on 
what they do.

Sometimes I provide the plugin as a tag-pill, which is nice because it is 
so visual but also because a tag pill can allow drag'n drop of anything 
tagged so, not only the plugin components.


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