Just in case, here’s the codes I used via the terminal to play with the boxes:

:SYST:STAT                                              system status
:PTIM:EMAN                                              elevation mask
:DIAG:ROSC:EFC                                  efc percentage
:PTIM:GPS:POS:HOLD:LAST         last survey
*IDN?                                                     unit identification 

All follow the normal SCPI format of putting either a ? or a number at the end 
depending if you want to see what’s there or change it. The only one I tried to 
change was the elevation mask. All of the ones above worked fine with a ? on 
the end of the string.

I did figure out my issue with the error code replies. Pure stupidity on my 
part. SCPI requires you to clear errors once they happen. I always forget to do 
that when I’m on a terminal connection. 


> On Nov 7, 2014, at 6:30 PM, GandalfG8--- via time-nuts <time-nuts@febo.com> 
> wrote:
> Can't argue with that, was just responding to some comments re SatStat:-),  
> although I do find it quite handy sometimes as a quick confirmation all is  
> ok.
> Regards
> Nigel

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