> On Aug 30, 2016, at 9:26 PM, Mark Sims <hol...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> The -12V is used to drive the RS-232 signals... it also eventually gets to 
> the EFC dac so it can swing below ground.   Also, the +12V gets to the DAC.   
> Pay close attention to generating noise on these lines.

I’ve designed a prototype. I’ll provide noise and ripple measurements when I 
get the first boards back. I’m going to shoot for <= 35 mV P-P. If you need 
better than that, then it probably turns into a hybrid switching+linear system, 
which would be more expensive. It’s been a while since I looked, but I believe 
that’s what I was able to achieve with the supplies for the FE-5680A GPS 
discipline board.

> Also, when I did Lady Heather's temperature control PID (with great help from 
> Warren Sarkison) I did some  measurements on the effects of temperature on 
> the system with only the tbolt under temperature control and also with both 
> the power supply (the brick supplied with the original TAPR orders) and the 
> tbolt temperature stabilized.  It seems about 1/4 to 1/3  of the temperature 
> sensitivity of the system could be attributed to the power supply and the 
> rest came from the oscillator/tbolt.  Some attention to the tempco of the 
> power supply would be a good thing.

I’ve not made any efforts along those lines to start with. For one, the input 
is +12 V and is simply passed through as the +12 volt output (there is a TVS 
and cap on the input, however). Given that the Thunderbolt that I have on loan 
came with what I can only guess was once a laptop power supply, I started off 
thinking the bar was pretty low.

If you want the hybrid approach, then adding the temperature compensation to 
the linear regulators would clearly be the way to go.

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