I figured out. ARM_EXIDX was skipped because TCC_ARM_EABI was not defined. What I did was just run ./configure without any arguments and then a "make". Maybe this provides a clue to the maintainers.

After hacking the defines (-DTCC_ARM_EABI -DTCC_ARM_HARDFLOAT), tcc now does not crash during linking, because it now cannot compile. Weird.


On 12/23/18 1:18 PM, Barath Aron wrote:
In tccelf.c:2359, it clearly jumps to the end of the loop.
And dies in the next loop: /* second short pass to update... */

Take this gdb fragment as an explanation:

Breakpoint 3, tcc_load_object_file (s1=0x45a098, s1@entry=0x454150,
    fd=4562744, fd@entry=3, file_offset=4563600, file_offset@entry=0)
    at tccelf.c:2357
2357            sh_name = (char *) strsec + sh->sh_name;
(gdb) p i
$21 = 6
(gdb) n
2359            if (sh->sh_type != SHT_PROGBITS &&
(gdb) p *sh
$22 = {sh_name = 79, sh_type = 1879048193, sh_flags = 130, sh_addr = 0,
  sh_offset = 176, sh_size = 8, sh_link = 2, sh_info = 0, sh_addralign = 4,
  sh_entsize = 0}
(gdb) n
2439        next: ;
(gdb) n
2354            if (i == ehdr.e_shstrndx)
(gdb) p i
$23 = 7

1879048193 == 0x70000001 == SHT_ARM_EXIDX


On 12/23/18 11:52 AM, Daniel Glöckner wrote:
On Sun, Dec 23, 2018 at 11:44:50AM +0100, Barath Aron wrote:
I traced the whole object loading procedure with gdb:
- ARM_EXIDX (section 6) is definitely not loaded, I traced it with gdb.
Where did tcc decide to skip ARM_EXIDX?

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