
Again from yesterday ... already at my limit and not even 8am!

As I mentioned in another post on this topic, I tend to focus on just =3D
these sorts of questions implied by the article and the kinds of evidence =
that would address the questions.

I do NOT think that we need as teachers to have answers to questions =3D
before raising and discussing them.  One of my primary goals is to help =
students to appreciate that there are such questions and that only =3D
empirical evidence can answer them.  No amount of anecdotal reports would =
carry the same weight.

Take care

James M. Clark
Professor of Psychology
204-774-4134 Fax

>>> Ken Steele <steel...@appstate.edu> 31-Aug-09 2:17:57 PM >>>
Hi Jim:

I can see why this article would generate lots of discussion.

Before using this opinion piece, my first question would be: Is 
it true?  Do black parents spank their children more than white 

Do you have references?


Jim Clark wrote:
> Hi
> In my culture and psych class I use an activity on spanking centered around a 
> short magazine piece on use of spanking by Black parents.  See
> http://io.uwinnipeg.ca/~clark/teach/3050/Act07-spanking.pdf 
> Take care
> Jim
> James M. Clark
> Professor of Psychology
> 204-786-9757
> 204-774-4134 Fax
> j.cl...@uwinnipeg.ca 

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