Here are some references, some with tangential findings:1.  This study finds
that African-American parents are more likely to deliver "mild physical
punishment" in an atmosphere of helping children be better, while
Caucasian-American parents (have we ruled on the use "caucasian" yet?) say
it's wrong, but when they resort to it, they're agitated:
Graziano, A.M. & Hamblen, J.L. (1996).  Subabusive violence in child-rearing
in middle-class American families.  *Pediatrics, 98,* 845-848.
2.  This article interviewed African-American parents, who described their
discipline tactics:
Mosby, L., Rawls, A.W., Meehan, A.L., Mays, E., & Pettinari, C.J.  (1999).
 Troubles in interracial talk about discipline:  An examination of
African-American child rearing narratives.  *Journal of Comparative Family
Studies, 30, * 489-521.

I have several others, but this probably makes the clearest case for more
physical discipline in African-American families during childhood (but not
adolescence).  It's a longitudinal study:
3.  Lansford, J.E., Deater-Deckard, K., Dodge, K.E., Bates, J.E. & Pettit,
G.S. (2004).  Ethnic differences in the link between physical discipline and
later adolescent externalizing behaviors.  *Journal of Child Psychology and
Psychiatry, 45,* 801-812.

That's my third post for the day.  Back to writing syllabi....

Beth Benoit
Granite State College
Plymouth State University
New Hampshire

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Ken Steele <> wrote:

> Hi Jim:
> I can see why this article would generate lots of discussion.
> Before using this opinion piece, my first question would be: Is it true?
>  Do black parents spank their children more than white parents?
> Do you have references?
> Ken
> Jim Clark wrote:
>> Hi
>> In my culture and psych class I use an activity on spanking centered
>> around a short magazine piece on use of spanking by Black parents.  See
>> Take care
>> Jim
>> James M. Clark
>> Professor of Psychology
>> 204-786-9757
>> 204-774-4134 Fax
> ---
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