Mike Palij wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Oct 2010 14:08:11 -0700, Christopher D. Green wrote:
>> Mike Palij wrote:
>>> A quick search of the internet shows that there are several books that
>>> allege to be historical research and to provide public records in support
>>> of the contention that African-Americans served in the Confederate army.
>> And what would be demonstrated even if it were true? 
> First, if a claim is being made, shouldn't we determine whether it
> is true or not?  Or is the truth irrelevant?  

Please Mike, please don't ever get into a public debate with 
creationists. They'll eat you for lunch.

Never let a disingenuous opponent set the terms of the debate. Attack 
the presumptions underlying their questions. Force their real aims out 
into the open. In this case, the truth of the matter (interesting as it 
might be in an actual scholarly discussion) is a mere distraction. The 
matter at issue is not whether African-Americans fought for the 
Confederacy. It is, instead, whether the Confederacy was a noble entity 
unfairly set upon ignoble northern interests, and should now be viewed 
as having been a victim. Which is why my counter amounted to asking why 
it should matter whether *slaves* (note that, for obvious rhetorical 
reasons, this term is not included in the original claim) fought for the 
confederacy? If slaves did indeed fight for the Confederacy, would that 
show that the Confederacy was good (the presumed intent of the one 
claiming such)? Or would it simply show that slaves are slaves who can 
be forced, even, to give up their lives in defense of their own enslavement.

-- Christopher D. Green

Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-2100 ex. 66164


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