On 24/07/2019 02:55, Bret Jordan wrote:
> As a professional organization and part of due diligence, we need to try
> and understand the risks and ramifications on the deployments of our
> solutions. This means, understanding exactly how the market uses and
> needs to use the solutions we create. When we remove or change some
> technology, we should try hard to provide a work around. If a work
> around is not possible, we need to cleanly document how these changes
> are going to impact the market so it can prepare. This is the
> responsible and prudent thing to do in a professional organization like
> the IETF. 

The IETF is for development of Internet Standards. If you want to
publish your (subjective) analysis of how a particular standard is going
to impact your market segment, there are any number of better venues:
trade magazines, industry associations, your company website, etc.

> The draft that Nancy and others have worked on is a great start to
> documenting how these new solutions are going to impact organizational
> networks. Regardless of whether you like the use-cases or regulations
> that some organizations have, they are valid and our new solutions are
> going to impact them. 

This isn't a question of quality. The IETF simply doesn't publish
documents of this nature (to my knowledge).

> Thanks,
> Bret
> PGP Fingerprint: 63B4 FC53 680A 6B7D 1447  F2C0 74F8 ACAE 7415 0050
> "Without cryptography vihv vivc ce xhrnrw, however, the only thing that
> can not be unscrambled is an egg."


>> On Jul 23, 2019, at 7:44 PM, Dennis Jackson
>> <dennis.jack...@cs.ox.ac.uk <mailto:dennis.jack...@cs.ox.ac.uk>> wrote:
>> RFC 791  is nearly 40 years old.
>> RFC 4074 lists 5 forms of deviations from RFC 1034 and explains 
>> the correct behavior. 
>> RFC 7021 describes a series of objective tests of RFC 6333 and 
>> the results. 
>> The above RFCs describe objective test results and how they 
>> relate to earlier RFCs. In contrast, this document offers a 
>> speculative and subjective discussion of possible future impact.
>> I do not believe there is any precedent supporting publication.
>> Best,
>> Dennis
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