2021-08-27 17:25 GMT+02:00 Rene Struik <rstruik....@gmail.com>:
> {officially on vacation till Labor Day, but weighing-in briefly}
> Hi Filippo:
> I had a brief look at the CVEs you referenced and at your Blackhat 2018 
> presentation. 
> Some observations on your Blackhat 2018 presentaton: (a) the attack seems to 
> be a reincarnation of the so-called Goubin attack presented 19 years earlier 
> (in 1999); (b) the attack requires many (100s) of reuses of the same private 
> key string. Both the 1999 attack and your Blackhat 2018 version can be easily 
> prevented if one uses blinded private keys.
> A closer look at your referenced CVEs suggests these can be classified as (i) 
> lack of checking for improperly generated DH groups; (ii) exploiting 
> overflow/underflow/carry bugs. To me, nothing seems to be new here and more 
> likely a failure of implementers to heed to results and advice predating the 
> CVEs by years (and sometimes decades) or in QA processes. E.g., with respect 
> to (i), one had not gotten oneself into trouble if one had actually bothered 
> to implement domain parameter checks. In the literature of implementation 
> attacks, OpenSSL has proven to be an excellent "implementation security flaw 
> paper generator".
> I have yet to see evidence that ephemeral-static ECDH would be inherently 
> insecure.

If a consistent history of directly linked vulnerabilities across major 
implementations doesn't show something is unsafe, I don't think there is 
progress to be made in the discussion. Blaming the implementers is not 
particularly interesting to me.

Anyway, I don't have an opinion on SHOULD NOT vs MUST NOT, as long as it leads 
to Recommended: N in the registry.

> Rene
> On 2021-08-27 9:34 a.m., Filippo Valsorda wrote:
>> [snip] 
>> This is empirically disproved by a number of vulnerabilities that are 
>> exploitable (or near-misses for other reasons) only in ephemeral-static 
>> mode, such as CVE-2016-0701, CVE-2016-7055, CVE-2017-3732, CVE-2017-3736, 
>> CVE-2017-3738, CVE-2019-1551 just in the past 5 years in OpenSSL, and 
>> CVE-2017-8932 and CVE-2021-3114 in Go. https://eprint.iacr.org/2011/633 
>> gives a good explanation of how these attacks work, and you might find 
>> https://i.blackhat.com/us-18/Wed-August-8/us-18-Valsorda-Squeezing-A-Key-Through-A-Carry-Bit-wp.pdf
>>  interesting as well.
>> OpenSSL:
>> CVE-2016-0701: improper generation of Diffie-Hellman group
>> The DH_check_pub_key function in crypto/dh/dh_check.c in OpenSSL 1.0.2 
>> before 1.0.2f does not ensure that prime numbers are appropriate for 
>> Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange, which makes it easier for remote attackers 
>> to discover a private DH exponent by making multiple handshakes with a peer 
>> that chose an inappropriate number, as demonstrated by a number in an X9.42 
>> file.
>> CVE-2016-7055: carry-propagation bug
>> There is a carry propagating bug in the Broadwell-specific Montgomery 
>> multiplication procedure in OpenSSL 1.0.2 and 1.1.0 before 1.1.0c that 
>> handles input lengths divisible by, but longer than 256 bits. Analysis 
>> suggests that attacks against RSA, DSA and DH private keys are impossible. 
>> This is because the subroutine in question is not used in operations with 
>> the private key itself and an input of the attacker's direct choice. 
>> Otherwise the bug can manifest itself as transient authentication and key 
>> negotiation failures or reproducible erroneous outcome of public-key 
>> operations with specially crafted input. Among EC algorithms only Brainpool 
>> P-512 curves are affected and one presumably can attack ECDH key 
>> negotiation. Impact was not analyzed in detail, because pre-requisites for 
>> attack are considered unlikely. Namely multiple clients have to choose the 
>> curve in question and the server has to share the private key among them, 
>> neither of which is default behaviour. Even then only clients that chose the 
>> curve will be affected.
>> CVE-2017-3732: carry-propagation bug
>> There is a carry propagating bug in the x86_64 Montgomery squaring procedure 
>> in OpenSSL 1.0.2 before 1.0.2k and 1.1.0 before 1.1.0d. No EC algorithms are 
>> affected. Analysis suggests that attacks against RSA and DSA as a result of 
>> this defect would be very difficult to perform and are not believed likely. 
>> Attacks against DH are considered just feasible (although very difficult) 
>> because most of the work necessary to deduce information about a private key 
>> may be performed offline. The amount of resources required for such an 
>> attack would be very significant and likely only accessible to a limited 
>> number of attackers. An attacker would additionally need online access to an 
>> unpatched system using the target private key in a scenario with persistent 
>> DH parameters and a private key that is shared between multiple clients. For 
>> example this can occur by default in OpenSSL DHE based SSL/TLS ciphersuites. 
>> Note: This issue is very similar to CVE-2015-3193 but must be treated as a 
>> separate problem.
>> CVE-2017-3736: carry-propagation bug
>> There is a carry propagating bug in the x86_64 Montgomery squaring procedure 
>> in OpenSSL before 1.0.2m and 1.1.0 before 1.1.0g. No EC algorithms are 
>> affected. Analysis suggests that attacks against RSA and DSA as a result of 
>> this defect would be very difficult to perform and are not believed likely. 
>> Attacks against DH are considered just feasible (although very difficult) 
>> because most of the work necessary to deduce information about a private key 
>> may be performed offline. The amount of resources required for such an 
>> attack would be very significant and likely only accessible to a limited 
>> number of attackers. An attacker would additionally need online access to an 
>> unpatched system using the target private key in a scenario with persistent 
>> DH parameters and a private key that is shared between multiple clients. 
>> This only affects processors that support the BMI1, BMI2 and ADX extensions 
>> like Intel Broadwell (5th generation) and later or AMD Ryzen.
>> CVE-2017-3738: overflow bug
>> There is an overflow bug in the AVX2 Montgomery multiplication procedure 
>> used in exponentiation with 1024-bit moduli. No EC algorithms are affected. 
>> Analysis suggests that attacks against RSA and DSA as a result of this 
>> defect would be very difficult to perform and are not believed likely. 
>> Attacks against DH1024 are considered just feasible, because most of the 
>> work necessary to deduce information about a private key may be performed 
>> offline. The amount of resources required for such an attack would be 
>> significant. However, for an attack on TLS to be meaningful, the server 
>> would have to share the DH1024 private key among multiple clients, which is 
>> no longer an option since CVE-2016-0701. This only affects processors that 
>> support the AVX2 but not ADX extensions like Intel Haswell (4th generation). 
>> Note: The impact from this issue is similar to CVE-2017-3736, CVE-2017-3732 
>> and CVE-2015-3193. OpenSSL version 1.0.2-1.0.2m and 1.1.0-1.1.0g are 
>> affected. Fixed in OpenSSL 1.0.2n. Due to the low severity of this issue we 
>> are not issuing a new release of OpenSSL 1.1.0 at this time. The fix will be 
>> included in OpenSSL 1.1.0h when it becomes available. The fix is also 
>> available in commit e502cc86d in the OpenSSL git repository.
>> CVE-2019-1551: overflow bug
>> There is an overflow bug in the x64_64 Montgomery squaring procedure used in 
>> exponentiation with 512-bit moduli. No EC algorithms are affected. Analysis 
>> suggests that attacks against 2-prime RSA1024, 3-prime RSA1536, and DSA1024 
>> as a result of this defect would be very difficult to perform and are not 
>> believed likely. Attacks against DH512 are considered just feasible. 
>> However, for an attack the target would have to re-use the DH512 private 
>> key, which is not recommended anyway. Also applications directly using the 
>> low level API BN_mod_exp may be affected if they use BN_FLG_CONSTTIME. Fixed 
>> in OpenSSL 1.1.1e (Affected 1.1.1-1.1.1d). Fixed in OpenSSL 1.0.2u (Affected 
>> 1.0.2-1.0.2t).
>> Go:
>> CVE-2017-8932: arithmetic bug
>> A bug in the standard library ScalarMult implementation of curve P-256 for 
>> amd64 architectures in Go before 1.7.6 and 1.8.x before 1.8.2 causes 
>> incorrect results to be generated for specific input points. An adaptive 
>> attack can be mounted to progressively extract the scalar input to 
>> ScalarMult by submitting crafted points and observing failures to the derive 
>> correct output. This leads to a full key recovery attack against static 
>> ECDH, as used in popular JWT libraries.
>> CVE-2021-3114: underflow bug
>> In Go before 1.14.14 and 1.15.x before 1.15.7, crypto/elliptic/p224.go can 
>> generate incorrect outputs, related to an underflow of the lowest limb 
>> during the final complete reduction in the P-224 field.
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