>Over the last few weeks, there has been a lot of discussion on
>collaborative development, across the various Tomcat branches, on two
>major areas:

+1 for the split.

>* Web connectors
>* A new Jasper (the "jasper34" proposal)
>and efforts have begun in the HEAD branch "proposals" directory of the
>jakarta-tomcat repository.  I'd like to propose a slightly different
>approach -- create two new repositories (perhaps
>"jakarta-tomcat-connectors" and "jakarta-tomcat-jasper") to be 
>the homes
>of these development efforts, independent of any of the existing code
>bases.  The reasoning for this approach is as follows:

Did these CVS will be like the jakarta-servletapi and jakarta-watchdog ?

>* Avoid any appearance of politics or attachment based
>  on which repository the code is hosted in

Yes, please.

>* Make it easier to enforce the technical separation of
>  this code from any existing Tomcat base code (you have
>  to declare external dependencies pretty directly)


>* Avoid the need for everyone working on these shared
>  components to have *all* of the Tomcat code on all branches
>  checked out all the time -- you can focus on the repository
>  for your favorite Tomcat plus the common stuff you care about

Thanks, porting mod_jk native patches in all TC branch is really
time consuming and subject to problems.

>* Smaller CVS repositories means faster CVS checkouts for everyone
>  on daedalus, on all projects

It was slow today...

>Because these repositories would both be part of the overall Tomcat
>subproject, all existing and new Tomcat committers would have commit
>access to both of them, just as we all have access to 
>"jakarta-tomcat" and
>"jakarta-tomcat-4.0" today.
>Comments?  Questions?  Votes?

Again +1

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